Wednesday, August 31, 2016

My August Reading/Bookish to-do list. How did I do on them?

School starts tomorrow. How did I do on my goals? I wrote this list on August 4th. I had a busy month and it wasn't a good month for reading. Here's how I did:

Order opening day collection for the library. If I use the district credit card I can only order $200 at a time so it will likely take several smallish orders to get all the books I want for the library for opening day. 

Process all the new books. Covers, tattle-tape, stamping, MARC records, add to system. This takes some time and frankly I am not sure I will get it done with my trips to the Oregon Coast and New York still to come. (A few books arrived today so I didn't get them done but I am almost completely done.)

During my visit to New York City I hope to visit THE STRAND used book store. We'll see if there is time with all the moving in we will be doing for daughter #2. (Unfortunately, we were busy the whole time getting our daughter moved into her apartment. No time for a visit to the Strand, but there is always next time.)

Read potential Printz books (YA books published in 2016, all have 3+ starred reviews) I am actually giving myself to the end of September to read through this list.
  • Rebel in the Sand by Alwyn Hamilton √*
  • My Name Is Not Friday by Jon Walter, √*
  • Summer Days and Summer Nights, short stories edited by Stephanie Perkins
  • American Girls by Alison Umminger √*
  • Draw the Line by Laurent Linn, 
  • Essential Maps for the Lost by Deb Caletti √*
  • Flannery by Lisa Moore
  • On the Edge of Gone by Corrine Duyvis
  • Thanks for the Trouble by Tommy Wallach
  • When We Was Fierce by E.e. Charlton-Tujillo 
And, of course, I want to write blog reviews of each of them. (Um...I am four reviews behind. Oh man, school starts tomorrow and I just don't think I'll get them done by then.Sigh. *Look for reviews on these books soon.)

Read upcoming book club selections:
  • The Sympathizer (for RHS Books Club September)
  • The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend (for RHS Book Club August) 
  • Arcadia by Groff (for SOTH Book Club September) (Currently reading.)
And finally, finish reading Out of Africa. I've been working on this book all summer and I am only 25% finished. I have a plan to read two chapters a day which should bring me to the end before the end of summer. We'll see if I can make it. (Plod. Plod. Plod. I am making progress but I am not finished, I'm currently at 52%.)

Lofty goals.
(I met two of my three nonreading goals.
I read half of the books I'd hoped to finish but my goals were very large, almost impossible, nevertheless I am still disappointed I didn't finish a few more.)


  1. Oh my that's a long to-do list. Good luck with it all! I loved Out of Africa and try to read it every ten years. and have seen the movie a dozen times. I need to read The Sympathizer too for my book club which meeting about it on Sept. 6. I need to get reading it pronto, something tells me it could be a long read ...

    1. I do love the tone of Out of Africa but I am wondering about other people other than her servants. She hasn't even mentioned her husband and I am 1/4th of the way through the book. Will I meet others from the movie at some time?

    2. I believe the movie Out of Africa (from what I recall) is based on a few books -- not only Dinesen's own book Out of Africa but also biographical books on Dinesen, so the movie contains some material that's not in her book (you won't find it there). There's an intriguing biography of Dinesen by Judith Thurman that came out a couple years before the film -- so that's where some of the screenplay came from. Judith Thurman's book on Dinesen won a National Book Award in 1983. It's got the personal stuff on her ... and the people around her.

    3. I liked West With the Night so much better than this book. It has spoiled the reading of this book for me. Sigh. I doubt I'll look for any biographical books on the author, though I am intrigued.

  2. Good luck, Anne! I don't find myself processing the new books as often as I used too...I actually kind of miss it!

  3. Goals are important! Love reading your to-do list.

  4. Oh my goodness, what a long list of stuff! Processing books can be kind of relaxing in that you just need to go through the steps. I still love the name "tattle tape!" Have a great time on your trips and enjoy the Strand!

  5. Oh, my! I process a lot of books that I get for free, but I always order from Follett or Baker and Taylor, For one dollar per book, they will even do cards and pockets, and the MARC record is easy to download. It seems like a high price to pay, but I've been doing it for 15 years and it is well worth it! Hope you make good progress through your list!

  6. Good luck with your to-do list! I really hope you get a chance to visit The Strand and tell us all about it :). I haven't had a chance to do that, but I'm hoping I will next year at BEA.

  7. The Strand is a great bookstore! Make sure to make it up to the top floor where the rare books are. Such a treat!

  8. I've always wanted to visit The Stand. I went to NYC once, but also didn't get a chance to visit it either. Looking forward to reading your reviews!


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