Thursday, August 4, 2016

Friday Quotes: Rebel of the Sands

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderShare the opening quote from the book.
The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's VoiceFind a quote from page 56.

Check out the links for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Participants don't select their favorite, coolest, or most intellectual books, they just use the one they are currently reading. This is the book I'm reading right now---

Title: Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

Book Beginnings:
They said the only folks who belonged in Deadshot after dark were the ones who were up to no good. I wasn't up to no good. Then again, I wasn't exactly up to no bad neither.
Friday 56:
And everything is as green and alive as this country is dry and dead. The bamboo grows so fast, it might uproot houses someday.
Comment: I have never lived in the desert and can't imagine how dusty and dry days must get at the end of summer. This book does a good job taking me to that locale and letting me feel the lack of moisture and the bleak landscape. The quote from page 56 was the best I could find on that page, but it really isn't a good representative of the rest of the book. What do you do when you happen upon an uninspiring page 56?


  1. This one was just alright for me. I hope you enjoy it. :-)

  2. This sounds good. I HATE an uninspiring p56. Especially when the book is good, but p56 doesn't do it justice!

    Here's my Friday read - The Girls by Emma Cline.

  3. I've been eyeing this one. When there isn't something good on page 56 or 56% in my reader, I somethings flip the numbers and use page 65 and let the readers know.

    MY Friday 56 from Save The Last Dance

  4. I just finished this a little while ago (review is in the works) and it might take the Printz!

    1. I sure hope so. I like it fine so far but I am not even half way through it. I've really entered a reading slump lately.

  5. I enjoyed this one very much. I can't wait for the sequel. This week my book is The School for Unusual Girls by Kathleen Baldwin - a historical fantasy. Happy reading!

  6. I've seen this book around and that opening line grabs my attention immediately. Keep reading! Here's my Friday Meets:

  7. This cover has been calling my name for awhile and I love the teasers you shared. Sounds like I need to pick up a copy!

  8. I've had this one on my wish list forever it seems. Hope you enjoy this one! Happy weekend!

  9. Great description of bamboo. Anyone who has dealt with bamboo in their landscape knows how rampant its growth can be! If I don't find something I like on Page 56, I go to page 156.
    My Friday post features STEALING JASON WILDE.

  10. I've always loved seeing this book as it's cover is so beautiful. I probably would never read it, because there's just too many books so little time and all, but glad you are reading it.

  11. I love the excerpts. I'm interested! Happy Reading!

  12. I'm glad you picked those words for Friday 56. I really liked it reading it and liked your comment.

  13. Just keep reading -even if page 56 is not love the cover for this book so much! Here's my Friday meme

  14. It is always tough finding an uninspiring snippet at the 56 mark. I tend to just try to chose the most interesting out of what is on the page.
    The snippet you chose does paint a nice picture of the area.

  15. This book is on my nightstand! I need to get to this one soon :)


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