Saturday, April 16, 2016

More Poetry Month celebrations

Hosted by The Edge of Precipice

The Questions

What are some poems you like?

What are some poems you dislike?

  • I can't identify any poems I don't like, but there sure are a lot of poems I don't understand.

Are there any poets whose work you especially enjoy?  If so, who are they?

  • Mary Oliver
  • Galway Kinnell
  • Rumi
  • Billy Collins

Do you write poetry?

  • How does the quote go? "We all write poems. it is simply that poets are the ones who write in words."  But actually I do write down a few poems occasionally. For example, I always write haiku at the end of each school year which I publish on m blog.

Have you ever memorized a poem?

  • Yes, but usually they aren't what people think of as poems. I have memorized lots of lyrics to songs and scriptures like the 23rd Psalm.

Do you prefer poetry that rhymes and had a strict meter, or free verse?  Or do you like both?

  • What is mot important to me in poetry is accessibility. If I can understand a poem and find something that relates to my life, those are the ones I prefer.

Do you have any particular poetry movements you're fond of?  (Beat poets, Romanticism, Fireside poets, etc?)(If you haven't got any idea what I'm talking about, that's fine!  You can check out this list for more info, if you want to.)

  • Um...I look at the list and decided that I still have no idea. I like what I like, not a particular style of poetry.
Join in the fun. Copy the questions and post them and your answers on your blog. Hop over to The Edge of Precipice to sign up.


  1. Except for Maya and Rumi I was unfamiliar with all the poets on your list. Perhaps you will have to write a post featuring some of them :-)

    I liked your reference about not not liking certain poems, just not understanding them. I get that!

    1. I think I have read all of Mary Oliver's poetry books, at least her most recent ones. She is by far my favorite poet. Both she and Galway Kinnell are known for their very accessible poetry.

  2. These poets are mostly new to me too & like Brona, I get the accessibilty aspect! Really enjoyed reading the poems you linked especially "Last Night As I Was Sleeping."

    1. I love the line from the poem :
      And the golden bees
      were making white combs
      and sweet honey
      from my old failures.

      Wouldn't it be wonderful if honey could be made from our old failures? I can just picture it.

  3. I LOVE Rumi and Maya, but like Brona said, I am unfamiliar with the rest and am hoping you will introduce us to some! I completely agree on the not liking poems...I think its just how we connect or do not connect with them!!! Great post! :)

    1. I know how personal poetry is but I always love finding a new poem which really speak to me.

  4. Hello Anne! Thanks for visiting over at my blog! I haven't thought of poetry for awhile, so this was a fun thing to do. I love "When Great Trees Fall".
    We can be. Be and be
    better. For they existed.

    I look forward to trying some of your favorites! Also love the name of your blog!!

  5. Hi Anne! Thanks for reminding me about Rumi! I'd been meaning to read him for ages and forgot about him.

    I really liked "Last Night As I Was Sleeping" too! Such an eclectic list of poets. I can't wait to find out more about them.

  6. Hi, Anne! Oooooh, Billy Collins -- he's one of my favorites too!

    A haiku at the end of each school year is such a cool tradition. How did you get started with that?

    Thanks for joining it :-)

    1. The end of the school year is so hectic with textbook collection in the library I barely have enough energy at the end of the day to do much more than crawl into bed. Small poems about the day help cheer me up!
      Here is a link to one which has links for the others.
      End of the Year Haiku

    2. Thanks for the link! I will check them out :-)


I look forward to your comments and interactions! Join in the conversation.