Thursday, March 31, 2016

Friday Quotes...April 1

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderShare the opening quote from the book.
The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's VoiceFind a quote from page 56.

Check out the links for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Participants don't select their favorite, coolest, or most intellectual books, they just use the one they are currently reading. This is the book I'm reading right now

Book title: The Steep and Thorny Way by Cat Winters

Book Beginning: 
July 1, 1923: I drew a deep breath and marched into the woods behind my house with a two-barreled pistol hidden beneath my blue cotton skirt.
Friday 56: 
'People shut me up at my trial,' Joe had told me at the pond. 'No one, not even my own lawyer, let me speak, as if they'd all gotten paid to keep me quiet.'
Comment: I am pretty excited to start this book, set in Oregon, my state of origin. It deals with the topics of racism and the Ku Klux Klan. It is also a re-imagining of Hamlet.


  1. I hope you like it! I really like the sound of it and can't wait to get to it either! :)

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  2. Hope you enjoy it. Sounds like it could be an emotional read.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  3. The excerpts drew me in...and I love that cover. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  4. Sounds fascinating. And the cover is a great representation of the era. Lovely.

    My Friday 56

  5. The beginning really caught my attention and the idea of the novel is really intriguing as well. I hope you are enjoying it, The Steep and Thorny Way sounds great!

  6. Love the cover. A re-imagining of Hamlet? Now I'm curious. I am featuring Hold Your Breath by Katie Ruggle this week. Happy reading!

  7. I finished this recently and absolutely loved it! It's probably my favourite book I read this month!

  8. Sounds awesome. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. I like the beginning. No messing with her! I'd love for you to check out mine...

  10. I need to read this book so bad! I almost bought it the other day, but I think I'll wait for my library to get a copy. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. I like the beginning and think the 56 is pretty interesting - definitely makes me want to read more. I love the cover too. Adding this book to my list. Here's my Friday meme

  12. I'm pulled in by that beginning. LOVE the cover too! Happy weekend!

  13. I need this one!!! Sounds amazing!!!

    Feel free to pop over and check out my Friday56

    Shubba @ Wee Shubba's World.

  14. Love the cover.

    I hope you are having a good weekend and enjoying your book.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  15. Very interesting book title and beginning.

    ENJOY, and have a wonderful new week of reading.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings


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