Thursday, February 18, 2016

Friday Quotes...Flight

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderShare the opening quote from the book.
The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's VoiceFind a quote from page 56.

Check out the links for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Participants don't select their favorite, coolest, or most intellectual books, they just use the one they are currently reading. This is the book I'm reading right now:

Title: Flight by Sherman Alexie

Book Beginnings:  
Call me Zits. Everybody calls me Zits. That's not my real name, of course. My real name isn't important.

Friday 56 (actually 65 this week): 
I wonder if this is Heaven. Maybe God sent me to Hell first. Maybe he made me watch Art kill Junior because I needed to learn from my mistakes.

Comments: Flight is one of the five-book collection by Alexie being read this year for Pierce County Reads. It is his third book I've read of his and, as with the other books, it is a combination of funny and tragic. This one ends on a very touching, poignant moment. And yes, it has to do with zits. Alexie is a Native American from the Spokane tribe. His writing always makes me squirm. It is so important to understand his point of view. I highly recommend him, especially his YA novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, though Flight is very good, too.


  1. Dont know if its meant to be funny but I chuckled at the opening part"my real name isn't important." because of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (the movie) with Slartibartfast. It just put that scene in my head.

    Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. This is Sherman Alexie at his best. He gets you laughing then suddenly you realize it isn't funny.

  2. Can't help but smile at "zits". I like when a book can add humor to death. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

    1. Yes, it is really quite sad that he has zits as a nickname.

  3. I hadn't heard about Sherman Alexie yet, but he sounds like an author I'd definitely want to read. I also love the sound of his writing so I'm going to be looking his books up! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great next week!
    My Friday Post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Start with his YA novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. It is funny and poignant all rolled into one story. It will change your attitude about Indians, Reservations, and alcohol use.

  4. This doesn't sound like one for me, but I'm happy it's an author that you have read before and enjoy. I love reading more from my favorite authors. I'd love for everyone to check out mine...

    1. No. It isn't a book for everyone though it is educational in a "in your face" way, which I appreciate. I need to be shook up sometimes.

  5. Ah, the zits made me smile...I am curious about this one. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  6. What a nickname...Zits. That's funny. I dated a guy once nicknamed Booger, I suppose that's actually probably worse than Zits. Makes me curious about the character and how he got such an awful nickname. Thanks for visiting my Friday BB & 56! Happy reading!

    1. How did things end with Booger? Did he try to live up to his nickname?

  7. Oh that beginning made me like the narrator. The beginning sounds very light and the 56 definitely sounded tragic so I can see how this is a mix of both. This sounds interesting!

    1. Yes, Alexie does create really compelling narrators to his novels and short stories.

  8. Just from the beginning I can tell I'd like this book just by the voice. It sounds very interesting... maybe I'll add it to my massive TBR.
    Here's mine on CARRY ON

  9. Both snippets caught my attention. What a curious person, this Zits person...
    Happy weekend!

    1. He is much more complex and introspective than one would think from the beginning sentence.

  10. This sounds like a hoot! I laughed out loud. Got to meet Zits. LOL

    My 56 -

    1. There are funny parts but mostly the story is very sad.

  11. I have to agree - the beginning made me laugh and the 56 was kind of sad. Here's my Friday meme

    1. Yes, it was sad and poignant. Zits does some time traveling to gain insight into his life.

  12. What a great opening. Happy Friday!

  13. *Ahem* Maybe they have acne? Not a very nice name, more like bullying... but the person doesn't seem to mind! What?! Never mind :) So long as they're ok with it x

    1. Yup. You got it right. He did mind about having such an awful nickname but didn't have the where-with-all to do anything about the zits and felt anonymous so didn't use his real name.

  14. I first heard about this author from Book Riot when they were making suggestions last year for their "Read Harder" challenge. One of the challenge points was to read a book that is by or about a person from an indigenous culture (such at Native Americans, Aboriginals, etc). This year I am working on their 2016 Read Harder Challenge, but once I'm done I plan to circle back to the 2015 list. This Book Beginnings, Friday 56, and the comments have solidified selecting this author to read. Plus, he lives in Seattle (like me!) and I've wanted to learn more about the Native communities in Washington for a while now. So glad you shared this!

    1. Yes, you should definitely read something by Sherman Alexie. He will speaking at the Pierce County Reads event in Tacoma in April. You could drive down and see him.

  15. Also forgot! Here is a link to my Friday 56:

    You may also like the Black History Month TBR list we put together:

    1. I hadn't heard of your book club before. Wow what a project.

  16. Love the beginning -- he had me at Zits ;) I've been meaning to read Alexie Sherman's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Looks amazing!


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