Monday, January 25, 2016

TTT: Hottest Titles in the GKHS this school year

 Top Ten Tuesday: Today is free choice at TTT.
TTT is hosted at Broke and Bookish. 

Hottest Titles in the GKHS Library
September 2015 to the present day
1. Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
This book is hot, hot, hot. Students love it. many tell me the book has caused them to go visit her web comics. she is developing quite a fan base here.
2. I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest
This cute little half mystery, half graphic novel is popular with our readers.  A bonus, the book is set in Seattle, near here.
3. All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
This is a cry-worthy book.
4. Looking for Alaska by John Green
His author is still very hot in the library. Everyone who read The Fault in Our Stars is now coming in for his other books, especially this one.
5. Cuckoo Song by Frances Hardinge
One of those genre-bending books which is part historical, paranormal, and thriller. Lots to like.
6. Audacity by Melanie Crowder
This historical fiction novel is written in verse.  I push this book a lot. Can you tell?
7. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
I can't keep my copies of this book in the library. They fly off the shelves.
8.  The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough
Another genre bender which is also set in Seattle. Students get really excited about this book.
9. Shadowshaper by Daniel Perez Older
Considered Urban Fantasy
10. The Unlikely Hero of Room 13-B by Teresa Toten
The only reason this book isn't higher on the list is that one of the two copies got eaten by a puppy and I had to replace it. This book is really well-done. Topics: Friendships, Family Dysfunction, OCD and support groups. All of my readers love this book. I do, too.
11. Bone Gap by Laura Ruby
Kids either get this book or they don't. The kids you get it, love it. Those who don't, don't. Profound, huh? (It incorporates Greek Mythology.)
12. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
Students love this book but oddly do not attempt to read Rowell's other books in the library. Another super cry-worthy book.


  1. I just DNF'ed "All the Bright Places". I couldn't get all the comparisons to TFIOUS out of my head while reading it, plus I just didn't care for the characters. Plus, the jokes surrounding suicide felt jarring even if the MC has bi-polar. John Green is always checked out at my library. Along with Rainbow Rowell.

    1. I liked All the Bright Places as I read it but it hasn't simmer well in my memory. My favorite bits were the quirky visits the kids made to various locales around Indiana. It has made me interested in doing something similar in my state, Washington. I even suggested it as a possible assignment to our Sociology teacher.

  2. Your students have great taste! I loved All the Bright Places and Eleanor & Park, too.

  3. I like that you are offering a glimpse into what high school kids are gravitating towards lately. My eldest grandkid is in middle school and reads above her level, so I like to have some idea of what teens are picking up nowadays. I've only heard of three of these, but that is to be expected. Thank you for sharing this!

  4. It's always interesting to see which books are popular these days. I loved Eleanor and Park. The Fault in Our Stars is good too--although I find the more popular it is, the more I am glad I read it because I think if I hadn't, I would avoid it altogether now. Haha So much hype!

  5. These are AMAZING books. Looking for Alaska is definitely one of my favorite books. Eleanor and Park was adorable and I loved it as well. I really didn't like All the Bright Places like most people did though, I don't know if it was me because I wasn't in the YA contemp mood or if it was the book itself, but I'm planning on rereading it because I feel like giving it a second chance :)
    Here's My TTT if you'd like to check it out :)♥

    Jumana @ Books by Jay
    PS, I'm a new follower of yours!

  6. I love that teenagers are still reading and from what I see, GOOD YA lit with meaning. Of course, they have an awesome librarian to guide them!

  7. I have heard Nimona is fantastic. I just bought it for my library's teen graphic novel collection but once it's cataloged I may just have to check it out myself! I may have to purchase a copy of Princess X for our collection too.

    I want to read All the Bright Places too. I did see it checked out fairly regularly. We do not own Bone Gap yet though I suppose I will be ordering it now that it is a Printz winner. Our teens just don't go for those. Rainbow Rowell is very popular here. In my personal opinion, Eleanor & Park is her best work.

    Thanks for sharing these! Great topic!

  8. I've only read a few of these. I've heard amazing things about Nimona, though. I really liked Bone Gap, but i'm still not totally sure I got it. It's such a strange one. Awesome topic!

    Christina @ Books & Prejudice

  9. I do keep hearing amazing things about Nimona. I shall have to check it out! :-)

  10. Great topic! Rainbow Rowell, John Green, and Noelle Stevenson have been quite popular in mine as well. :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  11. Omg I LOVE Bone Gap!! I wish it was more popular though because afjdkalfsd I just cannot get enough of it. You're right about it being one of those "you either get it or you hate it" though, kind of reads. XD Ergo I love it doubly hard to make up for those who don't get it. hehe.
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!


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