Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Challenges. End of the Year Report Card.

Every year I sign up, or host, reading challenges. Here is my report card on how I did on these challenges this year.

1. Goodreads---I signed up to read 100 books this year and I actually read 113. 

2. Printz Challenge---I try to read all the Printz Award and Honor books each year. I read all five of these winning titles by May.

3. Books You Should Have Read in School, But Didn't Challenge---I challenged myself to read three of these mainly classic books and actually read four.

4. Read all the winning titles in the Youth Media Awards from the ALA.---of the 9 YA categories, I read 8 of the titles, only missing the Edwards Award, which is the award which goes an author which made significant contributions to Children's/YA lit. This past year the winner was Sharon Draper. I did not read any of her books. But I issued a B+ grade because I read all the Printz books (5) and three of the Alex Award books.

Short term Challenges---
5. Big Book Summer Challenge---I read one book over 400 pages for this challenge. Pass.

6. RIP Challenge---I challenged myself to read one horror title in October and I actually read three. Pass.

7. Austen in August Challenge---I read one book, essays called What Matters Most in Jane Austen? Pass.

8. I participated in two Classics Club Spin Challenges and finished both books by the deadlines. I am currently participating in my third challenge but it won't conclude until February. Pass.

It was a good year for Challenges. I figured out that short term challenges kept me interested and less stressed so I will likely look for a few more of those type of challenges in 2016. I am the host of Reading all the Youth Media Awards and will get that page up for sign ups soon. The titles will be announced on January 12th.


  1. Wonderful scorecard! I love the inspiration of these challenges. I'll have to try the goodreads challenge this year. I've never done that. Happy New Year!

    1. It really helps to just pick a few challenges and the short term ones are the easiest...one month or two month small goals rather than all year goals which get lost along the way. Goodreads is super simple. Just pick a number of books you'd like to read during the year and then just keep track on Goodreads. It does the counting for you.

  2. You are amazing at these challenges; I admire your willingness to push yourself. I am a LAZY reader and would not enjoy the pressure. :)

  3. This is a great way to sum it all up! One of my New Year's resolutions is to be better about keeping up with my challenges every month. I've even scheduled in a post on my calendar every month just to do that!

    1. I have noticed you mentioning your calendar on your blog. I am not that organized but admire it in you.


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