Monday, October 19, 2015

TTT: Ten Bookish Wishes I'd Ask of the Book Genie to Grant Me.

TTT: Ten Bookish Wishes I'd Ask the Book Genie to Grant Me
If a genie popped out of lantern and agreed to grant me wishes related to reading and books here is what I would ask for...

1. As soon as a book is published, make sure an audiobook is also released at the same time, especially for YA novels. As you know, I love listening to books. It is surprising how many books have no audiobooks created for them.

2. For every new book I purchase for my library please make sure there will be at least five students who want to read it. I have so many new books which have never been checked out. It makes me sad.

3. And, dear genie, when those students bring back a book they like, please make sure they tell their friends about the book. Students tell me but I am not sure they tell others.

4. Please assist an author in creating the a new wildly popular series which creates a whole generation of readers. You know, like Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and dare I say, Twilight. No pressure, but it is time for something new that really excites readers.

5. Genie, I know this sounds impossible but please help me read faster. I think there are over 1000 books in my library which I really want to read and there just isn't enough time to read them all before I die since I usually spend most of my reading time reading newly published books each year. I want a way to digest all the older books fast.

6. Now for something really fun, please allow me to make a few magical trips into literature world. Let me go back and get into books so I can view beloved characters up close and personal. (See Jasper Fford's The Eyre Affair for a fun way to make this happen.) I think it would be really fun to be at the dance where Elizabeth meets Mr. Darcy or the dinner party where Anne Eliott is reunited with Captain Wentworth, or how about a student in Anne Shirley's school, or a member of the quiddich team for Griffindor? Just for a day.

7. And please Genie, wipe out my memory of reading favorite books like the Harry Potter series, and To Kill a Mockingbird, so I can read them again for the first time! Wouldn't that be fun?

8. I know this sounds like a stupid and trite wish, but Genie would you please make sure that publishers do a few things to assist both readers and librarians: a. make sure they clearly mark what book it is in the series...on the book; and b. leave a blank space on the back of books for libraries to place their barcodes without obscuring the book information. I wish these two things all the time.

9. Find, for the world's sake, not mine, a few finished manuscripts from Shakespeare and Jane Austen. Tall order, I realize, but why not?

10. Genie, is there any chance I could go back in time and unsquander all those lost opportunities to read the classics as I was growing up? Thanks. That is really helpful to my future (present.)

11. and Genie, please let books be books a little longer before they are made into movies because, as you know, as soon as that happens people stop reading the book.


  1. I would absolutely love to reread my favourites for the first time again. That feeling is so special.

    1. The only problem with this one is not having the book in my memory to guide me and talk to me.

  2. My post should be back up now...unless it glitches again! -_-;; I wish more students checked out those lonely, shiny books waiting for some love!!! What a great wish! And to tell their friends!! Oooh,and I love the wish for a new popular series!! And to make magical trips!? I love it!!!!!! YES, a First Time was on my list as well! Great choices!!!

    1. This has been a very bad year in the library and new books are simply languishing. Sigh.

  3. Yes. You and I share several wishes. It must be the librarian in us.

    Here's what I wish the Book Genie would grant to me.

  4. Excellent list! I'm not a big fan of audiobooks though I have to admit.

    Love #2 and #3! I work in a college and some of the kid's attitude to books and reading in general makes me genuinely sad.

    My TTT.

  5. #6 is a wonderful wish! I would love to do all those things! :)

  6. #7 is great - I'd love to re-read some of my favorite mysteries without knowing who did it!! Here's my list this week.

  7. Interestingly enough, this is the second time I've seen #4 today. And I completely agree. Awesome list!

    Christina @ Books & Prejudice

    1. Can you tell I'm a librarian or what? I want people to rush to get the next great book, to stay up late reading, and to stand in line to get the next book in the series. Sigh.

  8. Love the list - especially #4...we really need some Harry Potter-esque excitement in the reading world!!

  9. I would love if every time I read one of my favorite books it was like reading it for the first time! That's something I hadn't thought about, but would be great. (Though I wouldn't want the memory wipe to happen until just as I sit down to read it again). My TTT

  10. I wish for #8 every time I catalog and/or a student asks if the book is part of a series. I would also love for #5 plus I would add for me to remember the important details especially when I have to do an impromptu book talk.

  11. #7 is perfect. I have often said there are some books I would like to be able to read again for the first time. Great list!

  12. So many great wishes! I would love another completed Austen novel! I wasn't aware that there was a delay between audiobooks and print book release dates! I really want to get into audiobooks more. I also love your wish for publishers to number their books! Such a simple idea, yet so many series don't do it!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

    1. I wish, at the very least, they could find a finished copy of Sanditon.

  13. YES to magical trips to literature land and finished manuscripts from Shakespeare and Austen. Both of those would be really awesome! Great list, Anne!

  14. This may possibly be the best wish list ever! #6 would be so fantastic - I think I actually thought about it, inspired by Jasper Fforde as well, and then forgot to include it when writing the list. It's a fantastic idea and would allow dipping in and out of any favorite book! #7 would also be brilliant.

  15. If only there was some magical way to read faster...with my current reading speed and the number of new books I add to my TBR every day, I'm pretty sure it would take me 10 lifetimes to get through everything I want to read! #7 would be pretty cool too - getting to experience the joy of discovering your favorite books all over again!

  16. I almost included being able to go into book worlds because that would be SO AMAZING. Even just to walk around the settings would be incredible, let alone meeting the characters or trying out things in their world. Great list!

  17. I really want number one, because my mom won't read a book, but she will listen to an audiobook version of it during her commute and exercising. It's so irritating to read something amazing that I think she would love and not be able to share it with her because there is no audio version!

  18. A huge yes to #4! Since Hunger Games there hasn't been a series that made so many people who usually don't read pick up a book. #6 is one I haven't thought about but would absolutely LOVE to do!
    Really great list and thanks for stopping by The Regal Critiques!

  19. Awww these are really great!! I LOVE the ones where you hope for the kids to read more, that makes my heart happy :) And I really hope you get those wishes for sure. And the one about a new big thing. Sadly, my beloved Hunger Games will be leaving the spotlight of the media soon, and there needs to be something else to pick up that slack for sure. And I want to travel to a few bookish worlds myself, that is a great one!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight


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