Monday, October 12, 2015

TTT: Dream teams

John Green and David Levithan, co-authors of Will Grayson, Will Grayson

Top Ten Tuesday: Two authors I like to see team up to author a book together:

1. John Green and A.S. King 
Both of these YA authors write serious stuff. John deals with tough subjects, as does A.S. King, but he injects humor which I feel her writing would benefit from.

2. Ernest Cline and Andy Weir
Cline, author of Ready Player One, and Weir, author of The Martian. I love both of these books. Really, really love. Why not combine the love?

3. Rachel Hartman and Christopher Paolini
They both understand dragons and know how to create worlds full of them. (Seraphina and Eragon)

4. Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte
OK, I know they are both dead but don't you think it would be fun to have Bronte suspense with Austen's characters?

5. Suzanne Collins and James Dashner
Two authors who understand how to design Dystopian societies.

6. Justine Larbalestier and Scott Westerfeld
Hey, they are married and they both write YA, so why not?

7. Louise Erdrich and Barbara Kingsolver
My two favorite living female authors

8. David Levithan and Rachel Cohen
Oh right. They've already co-authored several books and I love them.  I want more.

9. Harper Lee and Sue Monk Kidd
Both of these writers just knock my socks off, I'd love it if they would collaborate on a book set in the South.

10. Maggie Stiefvater and Patrick Ness
I love the way that these writers build their worlds and the way they put words together.


  1. Suzanne Collins and James Dashner would be interesting, same with Scott and his wife not sure if he would want to mix work and home but would be cool!

  2. Ooh Maggie and Patrick is an interesting combination! I wonder what their book would be like! Great choices Anne! :-)

  3. John Green and A.S. King, that's something I would like to see! Neat list! Happy Reading!
    Please see mine if you would like,

  4. Austen and Bronte would have made a beautiful book baby. Oh to dream...

    My TTT

  5. I adore the idea of Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte! Jane would bring a little humor into Bronte's dourness! So no we just need to resurrect them.... Also I've yet to read a book by Patrick Ness but if he puts his words together like Stiefvater puts her words together, I'm sold!

  6. I would love to see Ernest Cline and Andy Weir team up! That'd be very cool.

    My TTT

  7. Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte would be absolutely perfect together. And Stiefvater and Ness would make an interesting pairing too. Awesome list!

  8. Ooh, Maggie and Patrick Ness sound really good together. I'd totally read that!

  9. oooo Lee & Kidd, Austen & Bronte - fantastic matches! My TTT

  10. Oh! Austen and Bronte would be a great pair!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

  11. Erdrich and Kingsolver would be wonderful together!

    Check out my TTT.


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