Monday, September 7, 2015

TTT: Series I Haven't Finished Yet

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I haven't finished yet (but plan to finish sometime in the future)

1. The Raven Cycle by Maggie 4, The Raven King, is due to be published the end of March  2016. Can't wait.

2. Seraphina series by Rachel 2, The Shadow Scale, is already out and I haven't read it. I don't know if it is a conclusion or a middle book of a trilogy.

3. Winger series by Andrew 2, Stand-off, is due out this month. Gotta love Andrew Smith's writing.

4. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa 4, Winter, is set for publication on November 10th. Kids will be lined up for this one, too.

5. The Flavia de Luce series by Alan Bradley... there are seven books in this series. I've read three of them and I really want to finish the series.

6. The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde...there are also seven books in this series and I got derailed around book three. I love this quirky detective and the whole premise. I want to finish it.

7. The Wrath and the Dawn series by Renee Ahdieh...I didn't know this book was the first book in a series when I read it. Now I'm hooked.

8. Diviners series by Libba 2, Lair of Dreams, came out this summer. Something tells me it won't be the last book in the series.

9. I really want to finish all the other unfinished series? Not sure.


  1. I didn't know The Wrath and the Dawn was a series, either. I'll have to keep my eye on that. I've read a lot of great reviews.

    I just finished the Lunar Chronicles and am DYING for Winter. I'm also sad that it's the last one!

    My TTT

  2. Ah, great list! You just reminded me - I haven't finished the Lunar Chronicles either. I've dutifully bought all of them, buuuuutttt... :D

    Also, yes! Andrew Smith. You're right - we do have a lot of reading to do.

  3. You have great taste in series! I haven't read the Raven Cycle series yet but I own the first three and plan to binge read them before the final book hits. I need to catch up on the Lunar Chronicles too. Hope you love the next installment of all of these!

  4. I am so excited for Winter that I cannot actually think about it or I forget how to breathe properly. Our wait is almost over!

    My TTT

  5. I just started reading (well listening) to the Flavia de Luce series and really enjoyed the first book. I'm looking forward to the 2nd. Marissa Meyers is high up on my TBR as is Maggie Steifvater. I'm definitely going to have to check out the Thursday Next series. Sounds like my kind of book! Great list!

  6. I only counted series that were already finished, but The Raven Cycle series is one I want to finish NOW! Or, maybe just read the book and hope that there would be another, even though I know there won't. :-) Great list!
    Check out my Top 10

  7. I'm really looking forward to Winter! :-) I hope you enjoy it too. Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. :-)

  8. I've only read the first Thursday Next novel. I hope to someday get to the rest. Several others on your list are series I hope to read someday. Andrew Smith's series is the only one I'm not familiar with.

    Like Lisa, I only counted series that were already finished--my list of uncompleted series that I'm in the middle of would probably be a mile long at least. I'm a series junkie.

  9. Nice list! I want to read The Raven Cycle and i hope to do it soonish.

    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

  10. I just read Cinder last month and loved it! I have Scarlet from the library, then need to read the 3rd book, and I'm excited that the final book will be out this year too! Great list; thanks for sharing!

  11. I forgot all about the Thursday Next series this week. Should have been part of my list. My TTT

  12. I'm really looking forward to The Raven King and Winter too. Nice list!

  13. The Lunar Chronicles is on my "series I want to start" list. I do have a copy of Cinder lying around the house that I really hope to read sometime soon.

  14. Is it November yet? I usually don't want the winter season to come as I don't like the cold but oh my I can NOT wait for Winter book four in the The Lunar Chronicles! I mean it's killing me! Great list.
    Happy Reading!
    Here’s mine, please feel free to read it!

  15. I still need to read FAIREST in order to be caught up on The Lunar Chronicles series. I canNOT wait for WINTER. I loved the first Thursday Next book, but never went on with the series. No idea why. I need to get back to it. Thanks for the reminder :)

    Happy TTT!

  16. Cannot wait for The Raven King! Why does February have to be so far away?!!! I am planning to binge The Lunar Chronicles when Winter comes out.
    My TTT:

  17. Hi! The Thursday Next series is awesome. Probably my favorite books of all time. :)
    My TTT:


  18. The Lunar Chronicles is one I am reading now. Really good, so far. Happy Reading!

    Here's My TTT


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