Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday Salon, September 20

Weather: Overcast with light rain and a bit of wind. The leaves are starting to fall.

Update on Muffy, our dog: Muffy is home from the Veterinarian Hospital after spinal surgery and a week-long recuperation stay. She is still doesn't have full muscle function in her hind legs and we "walk" her using a sling to support her back legs, which she can move just a bit. She is on three types of drugs, one being a muscle-relaxer, which is counter-intuitive to us. We are so glad she is alive and we have her home, but is proving to be a lot of work, as you can imagine.

Don is also home: He returned from Virginia just hours after we picked up Muffy. Thank goodness. In fact, I delayed picking up the dog, at the cost of an additional sum of money, until he was nearly home because I suspected we would need his muscles, and I was right.

The Rav-4 is home, too: in the midst of all the dog-related activity of the past week I had to take the Rav-4 into the repair shop to get body work for the rear-end collision that occurred right before Labor Day weekend. I was rear-ended by one of those huge, jacked up pickup trucks. The guy was so high in the air he probably didn't even see me. No big damage, but some. Thankfully his insurance paid for the whole thing, including our deductible.

Textbooks: another week of almost exclusively checking out textbooks in the library. One more day and we should be done. Yay! The district made things especially bad this year because they did not send us the number of books we indicated we needed, so we have had to beg and whine to get them to order or send us the correct number. Ugh.

Enough with the whining and pathetic news from my home today...

Good news: I finished my classics club spin book, Great Expectations. I hope to review it later today, as if it needs my pathetic little review. Ha! When a book has been around for as long as this one has it seems as if one should know what the story line is, at least. Well, I had no idea, so the unfolding of the book was a new, delightful experience for me.

Book Club News;
  • SOTH book club discussed the book To the Field of Stars by Kevin Codd. It is about the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Our pastor, his wife, and three other church members are walking this pilgrim's journey right now so we all have a vested interest in the story. We had one of our best book club discussions ever. The book is very inspiring.
  • RHS book club meets this week to discuss Station Eleven. This book is the opposite of inspiring. It is frightening. What if life as we know it ends and the survivors are left to start over?
Weird Al: We went to see the Weird Al concert at the Washington State Fair on Monday night. What a hoot. That guy is a great entertainer. It was the highlight of the week, for sure.

That is it for my week. May next week be ever better.

For a little fun, watch one of my favorite Weird Al videos.  This song, Tacky, was his opening number. We watched him enter the fair and move to the stage via video, singing this song the whole time. Very fun.


  1. Sounds like a busy week! I know how much time and energy a sick dog can take :) I hope she heals well.

  2. Why librarians need to check out textbooks, I just don't know!

    1. As odious as it is there is a bit of job security in it. many other neighboring districts eliminated librarians but ours didn't because we had such a huge role in the textbooks.

  3. I hope Muffy improves quickly because it does sound like lots of work. (and stress) I found Station 11 very inspiring, but on a different level from most "inspirational"books. Continuing to care about and for people and the arts, as well as moving forward in devastating times is the epitome of courage.

    1. It seems like one step forward, one step back. she is very hesitant to put weight on her back legs and she is heavy so it is a big job getting her to the yard and back.

  4. I'm sorry about your dog, that can be very stressful - hope his recovery is fast.

    I never finished Great Expectations. Read a little of it two years ago and never went back to it, need to try it again.

    1. Erin I think I quoted you for my first update on Great Expectations. Are you A BLOGGER?
      1st update G.E.

  5. I met Wierd Al when I worked at Barnes and Noble. He was signing his new kid's book. He's incredibly charismatic!

    Glad Muffy is back! It's always hard to have them gone.

  6. You saw Weird Al LIVE??? My sons will be so jealous! Big fans here. Loved seeing the video again.

    Sorry to hear about your dog - and your car! What a week you've had.

    Glad you enjoyed Great Expectations. I really want to read Station Eleven.

    A good friend of mine hiked on the Camino for 3 weeks this summer - what an amazing experience! We really enjoyed The Way, a movie about the pilgrimage.

    Hope you enjoy your books this week!


    Book By Book


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