Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday Salon, September 13

Mowich Lake
© Steven Pavlov /, via Wikimedia Commons
Weather: today it is drizzling rain; yesterday it was beautiful and warm, the last gasp of summer.

Last Adventure Monday of the summer: Last Monday (Labor Day) Carly, Don, and I drove up to the Mt. Rainier National Park. We entered the park via a not oft used passage and drove sixteen miles on a washboard of a road just to see Mowich Lake. We got there mid afternoon and took a short hike around most of the lake.  Occasionally Mt. Rainier would peek her head out of the clouds to reflect into the lovely, clear mountain water of the lake. At the point pictured above we watched a pair of otters frolicking in the water. It was our last adventure Monday of the summer and we all rejoiced in God's beautiful nature.
Muffy, taken in our backyard this past June. Gotta love those ears.
Update on Muffy: On Friday morning Muffy was unable to get out of her crate because her back legs were paralyzed. By evening she was no better so we took her to an emergency veterinarian clinic in Tacoma that has a neurologist on staff. Yesterday they did an MRI on Muffy and found that she had a ruptured disc and some related bleeding in her spine. With our approval (and credit card on file) they operated on her last night, removing the ruptured disc and cleaning up the area. The surgeon said she was pleased with the surgery and hopes for a good outcome. Now we wait. Will Muffy regain mobility in her back legs? Only time will tell. Yesterday was a very weepy day as we all had to confront the eventual mortality of our beloved pet.

Back to school: Tuesday was the first day of the 2015-16 school year. At this point the majority of my time has been spent getting stuff for staff and students like iPads and other technology and TEXTBOOKS. It is mind-numbing, tedious work. Thankfully the end is in sight for this aspect of my job as we only have a few more days of textbook checkouts.

Rotunda at UVA, photo source Wikipedia
Don in Virginia: Don left this morning for a week-long JAG course in Charlottesville, Virginia. I am jealous. The last time he was there I was able to join him for a few days. The area is so beautiful and historic. We visited the University of Virginia and I became obsessed with the idea of one of my daughters attending there.  As you know, that didn't happen. Oh well... it was a lovely thought.

Currently reading:
  • Cuckoo Song by Frances Hardinge. Part paranormal, part horror. A good book for the Fall.
  • Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Making good progress at 64%.
I finished reading:

  • Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. FINALLY! I hope to post a review later today or tomorrow.

This makes me happy today: The Piano Guys mash up Bach and The Jackson Five.


Have a good week!


  1. Hope that Muffy will soon recover from her surgery and be mobile! I admire you for tackling the classics when I all I want to bury myself in is escapist reading. :)

    1. I am glad for the excuse to force me to read the classics since I didn't read many of them as a kid in or out of school. Great Expectations isn't as riveting as The Woman in White so I am glad i have it on audiobook and can just listen to it as I drive along.

  2. Wonderful last Adventure Monday for you - that photo at the top is stunning!

    Are you enjoying Great Expectations now that you are further long? Most Dickens picks up midway through.

    Impressed that you finished Ishmael - I look forward to your review.

    And I loved your music video this week! What fun! My husband said, "WHAT are you listening to??"


    Book By Book

  3. How is Muffy doing now? This news breaks my heart. Hope she will be all right. Beautiful photos as usual.

    1. She survived her surgery and is on the mend. She is putting more and more weight on her leg every day but still can't walk. Thanks for your kind thoughts.


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