Monday, August 24, 2015

Classics Club spin number is...

Classics Club announcement
Today the announcement was made. 
The Classics Club announced the spin number and it is ...


Looking down my list I see that I will be reading GREAT EXPECTATIONS by Charles Dickens. Gulp.  I've always wanted to read something by this master but have always been intimidated by the length. As my daughter said when I made the announcement and then voiced my complaint, "You put the book on the list, Mom." Yes, I did and here I go, off to find a copy of the book.

The goal is to read the book by October 23rd. My plan is to divide the book into sections that match the weeks and that will be my weekly reading goal. I will attempt to blog an update weekly, also. But, I should say in my defense, we are nearing the the beginning of a new school year. I should be able to maintain my reading, but I may not be able to maintain the blogging schedule. We'll see.

So, if you are joining me in this spin, go look at your list and let me know what book you will be reading. Or, if you are working off my list, go find your copy of Dickens' classic, dust it off, and start reading.

Have fun.

Update: the version of the book in my library is the Every Man's Library published by Knopf. It has some really cool etchings included, and, of course, the requisite forward, no doubt written by some college professor. There are 460 pages in my version. Doing the math, that means I need to read 57 pages per week or around 8 pages per day. That is completely doable,


  1. Oh, I hope you like it! I haven't read that one yet, but I do love Dickens. :)

  2. Oh you'll like this one! I have read two Dickens novels: Great Expectations and Oliver Twist and loved both. I think you'll really like the character of Pip and of course the indelible Miss Havisham.

    1. Good. Now that I'm committed I'm sure I will enjoy it.

  3. Good luck! Something I learned while teaching this novel is that it was originally written as a serial, so it sounds like your reading strategy will work nicely.

    1. Oh good. I forgot that Dickens did that. When I read The Woman in White I enjoyed all the little upticks where the author ended the section for the serial.


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