Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Bloggiesta Update Day 2

Day two: E-Presence

Honestly, I am not good at having an E-presence. I like blogging and do fine with Facebook with my friends, but I totally don't "get" Twitter. When I read the posts from people on Twitter I always think to myself, "who cares?" because it always seems like there are just random statements made with no context. Obviously I am doing something wrong. I don't really spend enough time on it to really understand all the tips to successfully use it.

So when I read through the Twitter chat from today and saw everyone extolling the virtues of Twitter and of Instagram I just froze up. Obviously if I want to improve my blog presence I need to work with the social media that people are using. But keep in mind, we are talking about a lady here whose whole job revolves around books and I didn't get a Kindle-reader until today.

So...I have a long way to go, I know. Baby steps. Baby steps.


  1. I have to agree with you, most of thing things on twitter I don't get. I also find it odd that you can just jump into someone else's conversation to give your 2 cents (not that I would feel comfortable doing that). I am trying though to get more active on Twitter. Instagram? Oh boy I think I will pass!

  2. Don't feel bad, as I still don't "get" Twitter and I've had an account for years! I join in Twitter chats every now and again, but otherwise just autopost from my Facebook page and blog. Some people love it, but I still feel awkward jumping into conversations. Do whatever makes you comfortable!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...


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