Thursday, February 12, 2015

Friday Quotes, Feb. 12

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City Reader
The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice

Check out the links for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Participants don't select their favorite, coolest or most intellectual books, they just use the one they are currently reading.

Book: The Whistling Season by Ivan Doig

Book Beginning: 
When I visit the back corners of my life again after so long a time, the littlest things jump out first.
Friday 56:
Damon and Toby and I were in a dilemma, antsy to reach school and endure through the day until the big race, but reluctant to tear ourselves away from Morrie's debut at shoveling chicken poop.
My comments: The opening line is delivered by Paul as he stands in the kitchen of his old house looking back on his life on the prairie in Montana where he grew up and attended a one-room school house. He and his brothers, Damon and Toby had to ride horses to get to school every day after doing their chores on the farm. He is now an adult having to decide the fate of one-room schools in the whole state.

I just finished re-reading The Whistling Season this evening. This book is phenomenal. It is clearly one of my all-time favorites.


  1. This one is completely new to me, but I can imagine that the sight of someone shoveling chicken poop for the first time would also make me unwilling to leave! The cover is absolutely stunning and although I'm not quite sure about the book yet it does sound intriguing! Thanks for dropping by :) I hope you have an amazing weekend!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. This is such a wonderful book. I wanted to riffle through the whole book and pull out all my favorite quotes, not just ones on page one and page 56.

  2. I like the beginning. I really like books that revisit the past in some way so that beginning would grab me instantly. The chicken poop shoveling debut sounds pretty funny as well. I'll definitely have to check it out. It's so great to reread all time favorites!

  3. I love the descriptions, and the idea of visiting the "back corners" of one's life. Thanks for sharing...there is something melancholy about this one.

    And thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Sounds interesting! I like the descriptions. Happy reading!

  5. I really like both excerpts, and this book does sound like its a good one.

  6. Thanks for sharing this new-to-me author and title, and for visiting my blog.

  7. Thanks for sharing! I recently read Richard's Ford 'Canada' which was surprisingly half sent in Montana. You don't find many books with that setting!

    Thanks for visiting my site.

    1. Doig is a Montana author. His Montana trilogy is marvelous, too. I have only read this book in the Morrie Morgan series and it really seems like a stand alone but you end up liking the teacher, Morrie, and want to find out what happens to him.

  8. I love the beginning and I love the described scene. I think this would be a book for me.

    I actually think I saw it before and wanted to read it. I definitely do now.


    Have a good weekend.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  9. Oh, this sounds funny already. Their excitement probably indicates that Morrie deserved it.

    1. It is funny and thoughtful. Doig is a master at describing settings so you feel like you are there and the characters are all so sympathetic and well-rounded. Love it!

  10. That beginning is so true for anyone! Sounds like a great read!
    Happy weekend!

  11. Pretty cover. Thanks for sharing and stopping by.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  12. Hi Anne,

    I too, can relate totally to the words and thoughts of the book's beginning. It is strange the way that silly little things come to mind when I least expect them, things which I had thought to be long stored away in the darkest corner of my mind!

    I'm not sure that at over 300 pages, this storyline has enough interest and body to hold my attention, but thanks for sharing and have a good weekend.


    1. This story has a bit of mystery, a lot of rural life in Montana, and a wonderful coming-of-age story. There is even a villain. It has a lot to offer the reader.

  13. I like the 56, sounds like a funny read. I hope you're enjoying it.

  14. I especially like the beginning. What a wonder description of childhood memories.
    My 56 -

  15. That first quote is so true! Little things soo matter. Hoping you have a great weekend :)

  16. Not a typical read for me, but it sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing!


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