Saturday, September 13, 2014

Snapshot Saturday---Fans!

Last week-end my husband, Don, and I attended the University of Oregon v Michigan State football game at Auzten Stadium. It was a lovely day, even verging on a bit too hot. At half time a fan-cam was set up in the center of the field to take a 360-degree photo of every fan in the stadium. We watched the camera and when it swung our way we mugged for it. We were sent a link to the complete photo and it was hard to find us among the 59,000 fans present that day, But here we are.

Don is in the front center with a thumb up. My cousin Steve is next to him making an O with his hands. I am behind Steve. We tagged the photo and a green O was placed over me and we couldn't figure out how to remove it. Behind Don, with the yellow hat pulled low, is my sister Kathy. Next to Kathy is my Dad.  He has binoculars around his neck. Dad is standing next to mom who is listening to a friend, Jim. Next to me on the other side is Janelle, a friend of my cousin Anne. Anne is at the end of the row behind the guy in the green shirt. We don't know anyone else in the picture. Can you tell we were having fun?

Snapshot Saturday is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.


  1. Definitely looks like a good time was had by all!

  2. What fun! Thanks for sharing...and how weird about that big O! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I think I could be a duck fan. My first school's mascot was the giraffe, and that was something I could follow. You know...Go, giraffes, go!

  4. Looks like you're having a great time. Love those bright yellow shirts. Go, Ducks!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog.
    Sandy @ Texas Twang

    1. It was "wear yellow" Saturday and since we didn't have to wear coats the stadium really shown bright with all the yellow shirts.

  5. What fun! To visit a game, we don't get such huge events over here apart from UK football and rugby etc.

  6. Yes. It is great fun to be in a place where everyone is cheering and happy. It helps when it is sunny and warm.

  7. Hey, I watched most of that game! My brother goes to a couple of Oregon games a year and ALWAYS has a good time (of course, it is usually a good bet that the home team will win!)

  8. Golly! haven't been to a football game in ages! Looks like you guys had a great time!


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