Saturday, August 23, 2014

Snapshot Saturday...Watermelon eating dog

Muffy, the watermelon-loving dog. We hold the rind for her to eat off the bit of red left on it. She has learned to use her front teeth for this task and she takes it very seriously.

Snapshot Saturday is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.


  1. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it! Crazy!

  2. This is the first dog I've ever seen that likes watermelon. What a clever dog!
    Sandy @ Texas Twang

  3. Its amazing what dogs enjoy. Never tried giving our dog watermelon but will have to give it a go soon.

    Sean at His and Her Hobbies

  4. What an adorable dog! Is that a Pembroke Welsh Corgi? Hard to tell from the angle but that's cute that she enjoys fruit. My dogs don't think that fruit is real food, so won't eat it, yet they eat dust, twigs, maybe your dog is smarter than all mine :)

    1. No, Muffy is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi. She has a larger body than her cousin the Pembroke and her tail is not docked. She is really a funny, clownish dog. She is completely motivated by food so it doesn't surprise me that she loves watermelon since she watches us eat it.

  5. What a great photo series. I had a cat in the early 90s who was crazy for rockmelon/cantaloupe- he would go nuts! But then he was an omnivore.

    1. We had a cat who really like cantaloupe, too. I haven't heard of rock melon. Are they the same thing?

  6. That's so funny! My dog likes watermelon too. We just give her chunks without the rind. She actually likes a lot of fruit. case you don't know...never give your dog grapes (or raisins.) There's something in them not good for dogs. Thanks for sharing!

    1. We were just talking about grapes and dogs last night because we were eating them and the dog wanted one. She thinks she wants everything we eat. Now I am going to the Internet to find out what the thing is with grapes/raisins. I wondered if it was just a choking hazard because dogs often gobble without chewing.

  7. Is she a corgi? Too adorable. We haven't had a dog for seven years, but it sure is nice when they clean up the floors.

    1. Yes. She is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi. The Queen has Pembroke Welsh Corgis, cousins to the Cardigan.


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