Thursday, July 31, 2014

Friday memes...August 1st

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City Reader. The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice. Check out the links for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Participants don't select their favorite, coolest or most intellectual books, they just use the one they are currently reading. I'm reading:

Book: The Vigilante Poets of Selwyn Academy by Kate Hattemer

Book Beginnings: 
"Just call me Ethan. You're reading this first, but I'm writing it last. I'm at a corner table in this low-rent Starbucks a few blocks from my house. I had planned to write this on the living-room couch, but I have triplet sisters, and they are four years old."
The Friday 56:
"I liked calculus. Scratch that. I hated calculus. But I liked calculus class. The only other class Luke and I had together was English, where BradLee and Aura Heldsman, in very different ways, made it hard to goof off."
Comment: I think that Freda at Freda's Voice if off this week which is good since my Friday 56 quote is, gasp, actually from page 57. What has caught my attention, since I haven't started reading the book yet, is that the book is currently written in past tense. We see this from the quote on page 57 but not the quote from page one. Our narrator tells us that we are reading it first but he is writing it last, so it is not in past tense.


  1. Nice choice. Hope you enjoy the book.

  2. Sounds intriguing...and thanks for sharing. Here's mine: “WE ARE NOT OURSELVES”

  3. I'd like to read this just to see how the author handled the past tense / present tense issue!
    Here's the link to my Friday post: A COLLIE RESCUE.

  4. Four year old triplet sisters? I can't imagine.

  5. This sounds fun! Since I have a 4 year old the idea of triplet 4 year olds makes me want to cry! I'm definitely curious to hear more about this book. Enjoy!

  6. Sounds different. Triplet four-year olds. Oh my.

    Cute cover.

    I hope you are enjoying the book.

    Happy Weekend.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  7. Intriguing point of view. Off to add it to my wishlist. Thank you!


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