Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday Salon, Dr. Seuss' Birthday

March 2nd is the birthday of  Dr. Seuss. Celebrate reading today!
Weather: Rainy and grey. Ugh. One has to dash everywhere from car to store and back again.

Last week I got a few comments on how much people enjoyed the music I linked to the blog so I thought I'd try it again. Cue the music, The Piano Guys play Vivaldi, and have a listen while you read the read of this blog. (In fact, I will listen again as I write it!) I haven't seen FROZEN now that I don't have little girls in my household. But I understand that kids are crazy about it.


FitBit: In an effort to increase my health I purchased a FitBit this week which not only tracks daily steps but also sleep patterns. It can also serve as a site to record food intake and other health related goals. So far I am just starting to play around with it.  If you have one and have any tips for me I'd love to hear from you.  I used the sleep tracker last night and then laid in bed unable to sleep. I thought the tracker would pick up on it bit it didn't I guess I must be able to hold pretty still even when I am sleepless. I wonder if it has a more sensitive setting? So far today I've already logged 5000 steps which is half of where I want to be but the dog hasn't been walked, yet.  Remember, it is raining, but I hope to get out with her.

Ants: About a week ago as I sat on the couch in the family room I felt a pinch and thought that it felt like an ant bite. A few minutes later I noticed a small, sugar ant walking around on me. I wondered if it was something the cat carried in on her fur. A few days later I noticed another ant, and once again dismissed it from my mind. But on Friday as Don and I sat down to dinner there was an ant on the table. As I squished it I commented on how I had been noticing ants lately. Don said he had, too, then looked over at the kitchen counter and let out an expletive. We had a super highway of ants crawling up the cabinet to get to the kitchen counter. They were everywhere. We went into this hyperactive, grossed out state running around trying to figure out what to do. First we poured cornmeal on the counter, which is supposed to kill them when they eat it because it expands in their stomachs. Then we made a powdered sugar/baking soda concoction which is supposed to act as some kind of neurotoxin. Both work slowly though and we wanted the ants GONE. Then we found a testimonial on the Internet about the only way to get rid of them for good was to use this stuff called Terro. We jumped in the car and ran out to the hardware store to get some immediately. The stuff has borax in it and the ants take it back to their nest and it ends up killing the colony, but it doesn't poison pets or us. It seems to be working. Only a few ants are still hanging around the Terro cards and none are on the counter. It says on the box that it should take about two or three days until we don't notice any more ants. I am hopeful.

Health Tip of the Week: I just read that if a person drinks 16 oz. of water before a meal they will lose 44% more weight. Now that is worth a try!

The beginning of Lent is this week: Ash Wednesday is this week, which is the first day of Lent.  Instead of giving up something this year for Lent, I am going to add something like reading the daily devotional every day.

Soups this week: Barley Beef, Split Pea and Ham, and Taco Soup. I was very disappointed when I got up this morning to notice that we forgot to put the Taco Soup back in the fridge after it cooled last night.  Sigh. Now it has to be tossed.

Books read this week:
  • Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein. The companion book to Code Name Verity, historical fiction set in Europe during WWII. I ended up loving this book and have a lot to say about it. Take a look at my review later today or tomorrow.
  • Maurice Sendak: A Celebration of the Artist and His Work by Justin Schiller. OK, I mainly looked at the pictures but I did read quite a bit of the text. Amazing guy.
Currently reading:
  • Wonder by R.J. Polacio. We are reading this Junior book for book club.
  • Light in the Ruins by Chris Bohjalian. This is my current audiobook and I am reding it for my other book club. Set in Italy during and after WWII. 
  • Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. This is my read-a-long book of the winter. Join me. Here is my description of the event. I just started yesterday, so you aren't even behind.
  • How to Teach Your Kids Shakespeare by Ken Ludwig. I had to return the book to the library early in the week. I liked it so much I decided to order a copy. It just got here so I can pick up where I left off.
Reading confession: I have read an astonishing 22 books so far this year (good even by my standards) but have only reviewed five of them. Gulp! Every day I tell myself to catch up, to get going, but it doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon. Maybe I can just pick a few of my favorites from the batch and try to stay current. Has that ever happened to you? How did you deal with it?

Scripture: Timothy 6:17-19--- Apostle Paul to Timothy: 
17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

Prayers for: Three men: Ed, who is entering his last days with COPD; Andy, who lost his father on Friday to cancer; Gina's dad, who has been moved to hospice care nearing the end of his life.

Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”  ― Dr. SeussHappy Birthday to You!


  1. I left my Taco soup out overnight after letting it cool a few weeks ago, I was sad to throw it out, but at least I had 2 nights worth before this happened, and I'm sure the cat enjoyed it while we slept...

    1. What a bummer to spend time making yummy soup and then to have to toss it. I feel your pain.

  2. Thank you for praying for my father. It really helps to know that people are caring and praying for us during this difficult time.

    1. I am so sorry that you are losing your dad. It is my privilege to pray for you during this time.


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