Saturday, February 1, 2014

Your teachers love...

Snapshot Saturday

I asked the teachers of the school to give me titles of books that they love and then made a display of those books yesterday after school. I can't wait for Monday when the students come in and they see all the books their teachers love. I also sent these photos out via e-mail to all the teachers hoping that all those who didn't participate after the first round would jump in now!

Snapshot Saturday is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads


  1. Oh my goodness! I love this! If it is okay with you, I would like to pin it on Pinterest!

    1. Sure. Pin away!

      I used heart-shaped post-it notes to write out the names of the teachers on the books. Their selections are so varied, only a few duplicates.

  2. What a wonderful idea! First off, it's so colorful and second, how fun for the students to see what books their teachers enjoyed

  3. Love this idea!! I don't know what I would put out there. Probably Roundhouse. :) What if you didn't have the book that was the favorite or did you give the teachers lists of what you had?

    1. If they name a book I don't have in the library but I have books by that author I changed the little heart to read "An author your teacher loves..." or I asked them for another selection.

  4. Very timely for Valentine's Day... celebrating our love for books and reading. Thanks for sharing your wonderful idea.

  5. I bet the kids will really enjoy seeing their teachers' recommendations. Very nice!

  6. What a terrific idea! A chance to get exposed to some books they haven't read and see what their teachers' interests are at the same time!

  7. I bet the kids will be thrilled to see all of those books with the pink hearts and their teachers' recommendations.

  8. I know that this project really helped a fried(a first year librarian) to bond with her staff. They are much friendlier to her now, after sharing the love of their favorite books and her interest in what their favorites are. The students loved it too!


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