Monday, February 17, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday...What I like about blogging and reading, Feb 17, 2014

Hosted by The Broke and Bookish
Things I like about blogging...

1. "Meeting" new friends. Some of my blogging friends have actually become real friends, even though we haven't met in person yet.

2. Influencing the book choices of others because of my reviews. Occasionally friends will tell me that they picked up a book because they read about a book on my blog. I started blogging because I wanted a medium to share with students at my school about good books.

3. Reading others' blogs helps me with book choices for my own reading and for library purchases.

4. Sharing and exchanging ideas for library lessons or library management.

5. Once a week, on Sunday Salon, I update my week. I hope that my family members read it, and many do, but it really isn't for them. It is for me. It is a kind of diary that I can look back on over the years to see what I was doing and reading at a particular time.

6. Reading records and book lists. In the past, before blogging, I kept my reading logs in a paper journal, now I keep these records on my blog.

7. Having a creative outlet. Admittedly mine is not the most creative blog, but it does give me a place to add a little flare that it my own.

Things I love about being a reader....

1. I can go anywhere I want in the world through books.

2. I always have something to do that keeps my brain active and alert.

3. I am interested and interesting. When I read about events or time periods, when I learn new information it is both stimulating and interesting.

5. I always have something to talk about when conversations lag in social setting. "Read any good books lately...?"

6. Through books I can hang onto the past as well as lean forward to the future. "Without leaving your chair, you can travel the world, engage in a silent dialogue with the great minds in history, plumb the sublime depths of Shakespeare's poetry, or the depths of the sea with Jules Verne, acquire a skill, enjoy the world's great art, discover a wealth of facts and information, and perhaps most important, discover yourself."-Bill Bradfield in Books and Reading: a book of quotations Dover Press, 2002.


  1. I really like the last one - books being able to hang out in the past and the future. I think they also help me with my own past. I see books on my shelves and as well as remembering their stories - I remember where I was at that time. Like the book I was reading when my niece was born. Or that holiday I took when I took a certain books. Books are kind of great!

    Kate @ whYAnot

  2. Great list! Escaping into books is amazing, as well as influencing others with your reviews; I love that myself!
    Happy reading!

    My TTT

  3. Love your #2 answer--to me, there is no greater compliment than finding out that someone has chosen to read a book that I recommended--and if they like it as much as I do, that's a bonus!

  4. You've gotten me hooked on more than several books and authors. :)

  5. Great list! I love the idea that someone has picked up a book thanks to one of my reviews :) My TTT.

  6. I also love that my blog is a record of what I've read! It's great to go back see how much I've changed as a reader! And being able to go to any time period and go anywhere through a book is one of the best things about reading!

    Nicole @ WCW

  7. Ha! I am a totally unrepentant bookpusher, so I agree with you totally there!


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