Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Salon. November 10

Veterans Day: 11-11. Thank you to all our Nation's Vets who have and are serving our country so honorably. My husband, an Iraqi War Vet, will be out of town tomorrow on a business trip to Colorado. Thank you for all you do, Don.

The weather this past week: has been windy and wet. The skies seem to have turned permanently grey.

Dishwasher: We finally went shopping for a a new dishwasher to replace the one that caused all the leakage that led to the need for the full floor repair.

Football: The news is both good and bad. The University of Oregon Ducks lost their first game of the season to Stanford on Thursday night. Boo-hoo.  But the Graham-Kapowsin High School Eagles won their first playoff game yesterday. Yea! They are on their way to more football and possibly a state title.

Dreams: I think I've been reading too many paranormal books lately because my dreams are filled with magic, vampires, and scary things. Even the historical fiction book I just finished had a ghost in it. time for a strong dose of realistic fiction or, better yet, some nonfiction.

Library update: The OPAC system in the Bethel School District is still not functioning. We had a big meeting this past Tuesday with all the librarians and district big-wigs to explain the cause and how we are to proceed. Our system has been sent out to a Disaster Data Recovery organization so they are hopeful that we will have a full or nearly full data recovery. But they made no promises. In the meantime I have changed how I am checking in and out books which will allow me to quickly interface with the system once we are back up. One of my blogging friends reminded me that this problem is such a first-world issue. But since I don't have third world problems it feels like a disaster to me. On the good side of things, they have hired a substitute for my clerk who is still out ill. Finally I will have some help after being alone in the library for seven weeks! I'll be able to take a potty break without locking the library!

Books I'm currently reading:
  • The Dream Thieves by Maggie audiobook selection, a contributor to my paranormal dreams.
  • The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes...a book club selection.
Book finished this week:
  • In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters. Set in SF in 1918 at the height of the flu epidemic and WWI. There were spiritualist and paranormal aspects to this book, too.
Up next:
  • And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseni. Another book club selection, the audiobook just arrived in the nick of time.

Blogging issue: this blog is hosted by Blogger. One of the things I can do is look at the statistics of how many visits my pages have received and then that information is compiled into friendly charts. The only problem, the chart shows statistics from May 2007 to present. Oddly I didn't start blogging until July 2009. How can I have statistics for a period of time when I wasn't blogging? Blogger has been notified but there's been no reply. What's up with that? What's up with that?

From the kitchen: Carly and a friend are home for the week-end which means lots of home cooked food. So far we've made Pumpkin Waffles for breakfast and Eggplant Parmesan for dinner.

Quote: "How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes." -Maya Angelou


  1. Wishing I was at your house for pumpkin waffles....

    A nonfunctioning OPAC in a modern library would feel like a disaster. I'm impressed that you're still functioning at all.

    Joy's Book Blog

  2. Oh, I really enjoyed A Sense of an Ending - it's a very thoughtful and thought-provoking novel. I would have loved to discuss it - I read it on my own after it won the Booker Prize.

    And I am dying to read Hosseni's latest! Great selection for book group.

    I know what you mean about the dreams - that happens to me all the time!


    Book By Book

    Book by Book is now on Facebook!

  3. I do hope you get your data back or you will have a new nightmare on your hands! My assistant was out at jury duty for 3 months so I totally sympathize with having yours out!


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