Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday Salon, Oct. 27

Home again Finnigan: Don and I drove down to Eugene this weekend to attend a UO football game vs UCLA. The weather was foggy most of the trip going down until we drove past the Columbia River valley near Portland. As soon as we got past that windy spot we drove right back into the fog.  The weather during the game was a bit foggy and overcast but the air was still and relatively warm. I got by wearing my sweatshirt with a hat and gloves but didn't have to put on a coat. We stayed at my sister's home in Springfield and drove home this afternoon in rain.

Eleven and a half days and counting: I've reported periodically on this blog that the district server has been partially down. Counting weekends that means that it has been down for eleven and half days so far.  With no functioning library system I am looking for things to do that don't require technology. So far I have prepared all new books with covers, tattle-tape, spine labels and stamps. As soon as the system is back up I will just have to enter their barcodes and they will be shelf ready. I've also done a bit of cleaning and sorting. If it is still down tomorrow I will have to find new piles to organize. I'm trying to see the silver-lining.

Moving back in: is going pretty slow. Don and I unpacked all but three of the boxes of our items that we had to move out for the floor repair. We still have a few things that need to be tucked into the china hutch and the DVDs and CDs are still in boxes in the garage. We vowed that we would sort through them this time, not just put them away. We'll see if that really happens.

Books read this week:

Currently Reading:

  • The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black. Vampires are everywhere  When humans are bit they go cold and desire the taste of human blood. If they get it, they will die and rise as a new vampire. I'm within 30 minutes of finishing this audiobook.
  • The Lord of Opium by Nancy Farmer. We listened to half of this audiobook going to Oregon this weekend. It has been so many years since I read the first book in the series, House of the Scorpion, that I can't really remember all the details. I'd recommend rereading it before tackling this book.
  • In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winter. I'm having a tough time getting any traction on this book. I must devote my undivided attention on it this week.


  1. No server for 11 days?! That's worse than our district. What a nightmare. I just finished Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, which was fantastic!

    1. You are telling me. This business of trying to run a library without an OPAC system functioning is for the birds!

  2. Sounds like another nice weekend for you! Sorry about the system being down at work though - 11 days? That's unbelievable and sounds very frustrating.

    I LOVED House of Scorpion and can't wait to read the sequel!

    We know all about concussions - a 15-year old friend of ours got a bad one last year that turned into post-concussive syndrome - she ended up missing most of the school year and was more incapacitated than her twin brother who has a chronic immune disorder!

    Enjoy your books this week -


    Great Books for Kids and Teens

    Book By Book

  3. Oh my! Your server has been down for eleven and a half days? Oh my!

    Here's my Sunday Salon.


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