Monday, October 21, 2013

Oh for goodness sake....

My school district's server has been down for over three days. The library system is attached to it so I cannot check books in. I am checking books out off-line. The photo shows half of the books that are piling up for me to check-in when the system comes back on-line. The other half of the books are on the back side of the carts. What a mess.


  1. I have had this happen to me- but never for quite so long. Good luck!

  2. Total nightmare! However, I am glad to hear it isn't just our district that has server problems :-)

  3. That's nuts! Is your district grade book on-line also, so none of your teachers can imput grades or attendance? That would be ugly too.

    1. The district has successfully created a patch for email and grades. Tomorrow they are sending out I.T. folks to get printing availability in the buildings. No word on the library system. In the meantime, I am doing what I can to remain sane.


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