Saturday, September 21, 2013

Snapshot Saturday, Sept. 21. Taking a break from reading...

Snapshot Saturday is hosted at West Metro Mommy. All photos must be originals.

Photo by Lia Poole, used with permission

This is a photo of Guinness. His "mom", Lia, is my friend and a fellow teacher. Lia was taking a break from reading the book Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl when Guinness decided it was time for a nap. He wanted Lia to know who the REAL beautiful creature in the family was!


  1. Cute...I am a teacher too, but retired last year after 34 years.

    THANKS for stopping by my "cloudless sky" photo. Sounds like you saw a beautiful sky too on your way to work.

    Nice blog. New GFC follower.

    Have a good is pouring down rain here nice sky.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot

    1. Thanks for stopping by. This is my 34th year of teaching and believe me I am starting to think seriously about when I can retire, too. My hubby wants me to stick it out for three more years but I am not sure I can make it that long. So much has changed in Education that it is almost not fun anymore.

    2. 3 years for me(2 years after this one). Maybe we can retire together!! A co-party? :)

    3. If we can make it that long a co-party sounds good. My sister retired this past Spring and now she posts pictures on Facebook of all her camping trips..while I'm working. Jealous!

  2. Great bookish photo, Anne!

    As for The Fever Tree, there were about a dozen of us at book group for this one, and we do ratings after our discussion. Our average was a 7 and ratings ranged from 4 to 9. Most were a 6 or 7. Unless you have a particular desire to learn about this place and time in history OR tend to generally like period romantic stories, I would choose something else - there are so many really excellent books out there that I never have time for! lol


    1. Well, I guess that answers that question. Like you said, too many good books to dink around with just average ones. Thanks for the feedback.

  3. Your photo reminds me of the poem by Eleanor Farjeon:

    'Cats sleep, anywhere,
    Any table, any chair
    Top of piano, window-ledge,
    In the middle, on the edge,
    Open drawer, empty shoe,
    Anybody's lap will do,
    Fitted in a cardboard box,
    In the cupboard, with your frocks-
    Anywhere! They don't care!
    Cats sleep anywhere.'

    My Snapshot is at

    1. Love it. Thanks for sharing. I will pass it on to Lia and Guinness.

  4. Why do cats always do that? Sit on your book.

  5. Everyone needs a break from reading every now and then... no matter how much a booklover she is. ;)

  6. I love the way cats can just sprawl out anywhere, even when it wouldn't seem comfortable. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  7. He's wonderful, what a beauty. I love cats nap location choices, don't you?

  8. Haha! Maybe he's trying to be helpful as a bookmark? :)

  9. Great photo! My dog uses books as pillows too. My husband says it's only because I leave them in the middle of the bed but I think it's because she wants to make sure I notice her.

  10. He is gorgeous! Love his coloring.


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