Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Salon...August 18

A peaceful summer hike
Weather: There are moments when I can tell that Fall is on its way. The nights are getting colder and twilight is shorter. Yesterday started cloudy and overcast, but ended sunny.  We'll see about today.

Today: We are driving to Portland for an impromptu family reunion for my dad's side of the family. The last time our family gathered was for my aunt's funeral. This time we are gathering because my cousin is seriously ill, on hospice care. We are gathering to say goodbye. It makes me sad to say it.

This past week: I actually attended a very good teacher in-service. The presenter was Dylan Wiliam (spelling correct.) He really put the current research together with teaching techniques that work.  If you ever have a chance to go to one of his conferences,  do it!

This next week: I'm slowly heading back to work, a few hours at a time.  Friday I put in 3 1/2 hours, Monday will probably be the same.  Everyone asks me why I do it when I don't "have" to. To which I reply, but I do have to or the library won't be ready for opening day. Our first day of school is September 4th.

Lists: All those doctor/hair/dental/glass repair appointments I've been putting off all summer.

Books finished this week:
  • Golden Boy by Tara albino boy in Tanzania must run and hide or be captured and killed.  Very well done. Read my review here.
  • Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys...set in New Orleans in the 1950s.
  • Imprisoned by Martin Sandler...Japanese internment. I learned a lot.
Currently working on:
  • A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole...a poignant farce. Very funny and very odd characters. An audiobook selection. We hope to finish this up on our trip to Portland today.
  • The Silence of Murder by Dandy Daley Edgar award winner (mystery)
Checked out from the public library and hoping to start soon:
  • Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (audiobook)
  • Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina
30 book reading challenge update: I've complete 28 books toward by 30 book reading goal for the summer. Looks like I will make it. Yippee!

Church: This will be the fourth or fifth week in a row that we are missing church. I suspect we will have to reintroduce ourselves next week when we return.  Ha!

The yard/garden: the sweet peas bloomed, got powdering mildew, and look disgusting.  Sigh.  I think we will get three or four big tomatoes from our one bush before summer's end. The wildflowers my daughter planted for the bees won't make it, I'm afraid.  They are up but I doubt they will bloom. Asters and chrysanthemums are getting ready to bloom. Our vine maple is starting to turn red.  Fall is just around the corner. 

Comments: I'm starting to get discouraged by how few comments I receive on my blog.  If you are a visitor, won't you please leave me a short comment to let me know what you think?  Thanks.


  1. Anne, I look forward to reading your blog every weekend and I'm sorry about being so remiss in posting. You keep me motivated to maintain my Printz reading and I often glean book titles from your blog to read, the latest being Gone Girl. Please don't be discouraged because I think there are a lot of silent readers out there.

    1. Thanks for the word of encouragement, Sandy. You inspire me to keep going often and push me to read books outside my comfort zone. Thanks for your friendship.

  2. Steve read Unbroken this summer and thought it was a wonderful book. It described events that occurred close to where his dad was stationed in World War 2. I get to read it when Barbara finishes it!

    1. I've heard really wonderful things about Unbroken. Now that I am almost back to school I will have more in-the-car-time to listen to audiobooks, so I hope to get it cued up soon.

  3. Many people read but don't comment. I tend to be the opposite and try to comment which draws some people to comment on my blog, thus establishing a relationship. I also try to respond to my comments via e-mail(my comments come through in my e-mail)--which is very quick and my commenters know that I've read and thought about their remarks. This can motivate some to leave more comments because they know I value what they have to say.

    1. I appreciate that you are loyal reader and commenter. You always have interesting thoughts, too. Thanks for your friendship.

    2. I also know you in real life, so I'm motivated to leave a comment to let you know that I've read your post. :) You have caused me a horrible YA book addiction though, so I really shouldn't read your blog!! LOL

  4. If the author of a blog is a person I don't know, I might leave a comment or two. If I don't get a response, I feel like I'm a lurker and that the blog is more for the person's coworkers, friends and family. I enjoy reading about YA books...that's what I tend to read and enjoy. :)

    1. I think a lot of bloggers, myself included, often answer on their own blogs, like I am doing now, instead of going over to the other blog to make a comment. I am determined to be better about doing that. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. I'm working on commenting in point, here I am. :) It looks and sounds like you have some great books you're reading and have read. I read Confederacy of Dunces years ago and enjoyed it, and Unbroken is one of my favorite books of the last few years. Your mention of church reminds me that we need to get back also...although it's been a bit longer than that. Maybe six months! Ouch. Thanks for pricking my conscience. :)

    1. We almost finished Confederacy of Dunces on our trip home from Portland today because the traffic was so bad, the drive took an extra hour. It has to be one of the zaniest books I've ever read. Ignatius Riley is quite the oddball character! Thanks for commenting.

  6. I hope you're visit with family was good, even if the occasion was sad.

    Joy's Book Blog

    1. It was a wonderful reunion. My cousin who is so ill was only able to stay for an hour or so. His brothers were so dear having the reunion for him now!

  7. Thanks for your review on Golden Boy. I have added it to my list.

    I read Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. It was sooooooooooo good. Those guys were so strong and courageous!!!!

    1. I really, really liked Golden Boy. I am glad it is on your list. Everyone tells me Unbroken is amazing. I think I will start it tomorrow.! Thanks for visiting.


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