Saturday, August 3, 2013

Heading out for a week-long vacation. What books will I bring along?

Last week my husband and I toured the Canadian Rockies for a week long vacation of hiking, touring, and driving.  This coming week is a week-long vacation of relaxing and family gatherings. Last week I finished one book, Gone Girl, because we listened to the audiobook as we drove around. This week I will have some pool-side time and low key mornings. I hope to finish several books.

Here's the book packing list:

     Audiobooks: (Our trip is only 12 hours round-trip so we will not have time for all four but I'm afraid each of us will want to listen to a different book.)

  • Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher by Timothy Egan...we listened to 70% of this book on the return trip from Banff. We will finish this audiobook for sure.
  • Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. I've heard only wonderful stuff about this book and love the author after reading Seabiscuit. I think my husband will want to listen to this next.
  • Two Towers by J.R.R. daughter is listening to this trilogy this summer and she commutes to work. She is lobbying for this book even though my husband and I haven't listened to the first book in the series and would have to strain our brains back to high school to recall the details of the first book.
  • A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole...this will get my vote since I am currently on disc two and enjoying the heck out of it. I'd even be willing to start over.


  • Teeth by Hannah Moskowiz...I am very ambivalent about this book so far, but I haven't determined  if I should abandon it yet so I'll pop it in the bag but don't know if I will finish it.
  • Golden Boy by Tara is the only book on my summer reading list that I own the book (the rest belong to the library) so I can take this one to the pool and not worry about it getting wet.
  • Wesley the Owl: the remarkable love story of an owl and his girl by Stacey O' month's book club selection. I just picked it up from the library today so I'll pop it in the bag in case I can get to it. 
  • And...? I probably won't be able to read four books in one week but what if I DO finish all three and I'm without a book.  Guess I'll throw another book in the bag, just in case.  Should I include a mystery, a romance, an award winner, realistic YA, or fantasy? Hmm...I'm thinking it is time for a good romance.  Let's see what I have in my stack.


  1. Oh, I'd listen to Unbroken. I really enjoyed reading that book a tremendous amount.

  2. I did the audiobook of Unbroken. Excellent. You don't want to miss it -- this is one you could BOTH listen to. Have a great time!

  3. Thanks Helen and Annette. I will pass your recommendations on and they will be factored in to our voting. I have decided to abandon Teeth so will choose anther book from my pile, perhaps, Out of the Easy by Sepetys.


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