Thursday, July 25, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday, July 26

Feature and Follow Friday gives me a chance to meet new blogging friends and for them to meet me.  This week's featured blog is ParaDays. Congratulations. Poe is very popular among my student readers.  I really must read more of his work.

This Week's question: What do you do with your books after you're done reading them? 

My Answer: I usually donate them to my library, but I should add, I very rarely buy books. I check them out from the public library, or my library if I can get the book without deterring a student from reading it.

Please join my blogoversary giveaway.  Answer my question in the comments below and fill out the form of rafflecopter.  It is easy and fun!

Today's blogoversary giveaway question: I like books that include animal characters. What is a book you have enjoyed that included memorable animals?

My Answer: Where the Red Fern Grows is one of my all-time favorite books with memorable dogs, Lil' Anne and Big Dan. I am also crazy about the book Racing in the Rain where the narrator is a dog,  Enzo.


  1. I need to utilize my library more often. I live right down the street from one. My FF.

  2. I would love to have a nice library close by!
    My FF:

    New GFC follower :)

  3. Hopping through. I get lots of books from the library too, although less lately because I moved to a place with a smaller library system.
    My Hop

  4. I use the library a lot too, except for Book Club and the few books that I buy on the Kindle. Some books I buy I keep and others I donate to the library. Charlotte's Web is my other answer!

  5. Your answer sounds a lot like mine. I can't stand books just sitting on my shelves, when I can give them away and others can enjoy them! Good for you! My FF

  6. I get books from my library a lot too - I only buy books when I know I love the author (or the book), or they're really cheap.

    New GPC and twitter follower
    Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun
    Here's my FF:

  7. Happy Friday! New blog follower via google+

    My FF

  8. I'm jealous of people with good libraries - mine is tiny =(

    I'm a new follower via GFC and Twitter.

    Rinn @ Rinn Reads

  9. Most of the books I buy I love them or at least like them enough that I want to keep them still, so I haven't used the library in years because I never wanted to take the book back but reluctantly did.

    Following Via GFC & Twitter

    Kanettra @ ~Reader-Writer-Auth0r!~


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