Friday, July 12, 2013

Blogoversary Giveaway

July is my Blogoversary. I began blogging four years ago. My mission: to communicate with my readers about books I recommend, especially YA literature. Since I began blogging many friends have told me that they read my blog and look forward to the reviews of the books I recommend. Those kind of comments make me feel like my efforts are worth it. I have noticed, however, that fewer people are writing comments on my blog posts. I'm hoping to remedy this through a Blogoversary Giveaway.

Here's how to enter:
1.  Must be a  follower of my blog
2.  Must make a comment somewhere on my blog.  The winner will be awarded a $20 Amazon Gift Card. International entrants welcome. The prize will be awarded on July 31st.

3. Fill out the Rafflecopter Giveaway form.  You can do this once a day. I will try to change the question everyday but I'm new to this whole rafflecopter thing so I'm not sure I know how to do it. Good luck.


  1. I'd definitely choose to be someone in Harry Potter series (Hermione, perhaps) and explore Hogwarts! :)
    ~Karina V

  2. I would want to be Megan from The Iron Fey books. So smart, strong and powerful....

    1. Dragnats... forgot to wish a happy blogoversary. With many more years to come!!

  3. Happy Blogoversary! :)
    Now there are a lot of characters I would want to be for a day but...hmmm I suppose I would want to be Kiera Allen from the Reckless Trilogy. I would love to spend a day with Kellan Kyle & the D-Bags!

  4. Hermione probably. I can't get more points because I don't do Twitter! Wahhh.

  5. I'm not sure I would want to be any of them. They have some pretty screwed up lives.

  6. Anne from Anne of Green Gables!!

  7. Hi Anne! Happy Blogoversary! I always wanted to be Nancy Drew--she was so good at everything, got to solve all those mysteries, and had a blue roadster! I really just want the blue roadster. ;-)

  8. Happy Blogoversary! If I could, I'd be Bilbo Baggins for a day.

  9. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging! It is a fun way to spend our time, isn't it?

  10. Congratulations! The first book I remember reading on my own was Alice in Wonderland.

  11. I remember reading The Babysitters Club! I loved those books!

  12. I'm currently reading Midnight in Austenland by talented Shannon Hale.

  13. I'm reading Carrie by Stephen King- my first book of his :)

  14. Hmm ... I'd like to be Sabine of Nick Bantock's Griffin and Sabine. :)

    Thanks so much for heads up, and happy anniversary!

  15. I am reading "The Thinking Woman's Guide to Magic" by Emily Croy Barker which I got through Goodreads First reads program. I'm loving it so far!

  16. Right now, I am reading Etiquette and Espionage. I'm planning on reading Partials next.

  17. Every parent should read Oh the Places You'll Go! By: Dr. Seuss. It's a great book, and my favorite growing up.

  18. Dr. Seuss "Horton Hears a Who". Teaches that "a person's a person no matter how small". Makes me a bit teary LOL!

  19. I don't really read on vacation 'coz I get so busy sightseeing or something, so I'll tell you one of my most memorable reads instead. And it's the Lighthouse doulogy by Anne Bishop! Love it!!

  20. Happy Blogoversary! I think the most memorable thing I've read on vacation had to be Gone With the Wind. Not entirely sure why I read it on vacation either. I think it was a book that happened to be in the place I was staying.

  21. Well, I can definitely say that it's one of my favorite books - Animal farm, otherwise I think I haven't read anything about animals - at least in English, wait I just thought of - Harry Potter - I loved Hedwig so, so much!!

  22. Congrats! I'm a huge.Anne of Green Gables fan....made such an impression.

  23. Yes ,I can agree 100% with Cordelia - when little I was reading the 1st book of the series about Anne - I was stunned how beautifully nature was pictured - I wished to visit Canada and the isle one day :)


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