Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday Salon...May 5th

Azaleas and tulips in front yard
Happy Cinco de Mayo !

Weather: Lovely.  Simply lovely. It is supposed to get over 80 degrees Fahrenheit today, which will be a bit warm for spring flowers but lovely for the humans.

Yesterday: I planted impatiens in the side yard for some summer color. And we took the dog to the vet because she was limping so badly.  When we got there, she stopped limping.  It was just like when you take your car to the mechanic because it is making a funny noise and it doesn't make it once you get there.  Ha!

Friday evening: We attended the Seattle University Spring Choir concert At St. Joseph's cathedral. Afterwards we took our daughter out for frozen yogurt and talked about moments that are captured and seared into our memories. I learned something about both my daughter and my husband.

Last Sunday: Nearly 50 people showed up for the Open House party we hosted by our new choir director. The house was full of very congenial people and I think everyone had a good time, or they acted that way. We ate leftover pulled pork and beans all week.

This past week at school: Inventory! It is 72% complete but is taking up all my spare time.

Gated trellis leading to side yard covered with clematis

Spring yard: This is the prettiest time of the year in our yard. The tulips, though fading, are still providing color, the lilacs are in full bloom, as are the clematis, azaleas, rhododendrons, and wood hyacinths. The new leaves on the trees provide a fresh bit of color, too.  Pictured is a view of my front bed with tulips and white azaleas, a close up of a cluster of rhododendron blooms, and the trellis covered with clematis. This warm weather is going to make everything bloom and fade fast so I must appreciate the loveliness right now.

Only one book completed this week:

  • Risking Everything: 110 Poems of Love and Revelation edited by Roger Housden...this is the eighth poetry book I've read in the last few months, all edited by Housden. Think there is a bit of an obsession going on right now?

Currently reading:

  • Dr. Bird's Advice for Sad Poets by Evan Roskos... a new YA novel about a depressed, anxious teen.
  • Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth current audiobook selection

Today's scripture:

1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life. Norman Cousins 


  1. Love your plants! Most of my perennials bloom later, like the rhody and the orange lily in the front. The stargazer doesn't bloom until the end of July. I am itching to put some plants in. I did do the zinnias in that area around our faux rocks in the front yard. Hoping that they come up and provide lots of color and comfort. xoxo

    1. I try to put in annuals for the color spots in my yard for summer. I, too, have a few perennials that are pretty but many get woody and funny after a few years, or spread where I don't want them, so I have to be careful. I'll put in geraniums in the front beds next week, I think. I sure do hope the zinnias bloom. I rarely plant things from seeds these days.

  2. I am impressed that you are doing an inventory. I am in the middle of a major weed of the non-fiction and then we're moving all the books to consolidate. Our goal? To empty out our back room, which is a haven for kids trying to fly under the radar.

  3. Your flowers are all so lovely, as always, Anne. And you guys always do such fun things on the weekend! Is that what happens when your weekends are no longer full of soccer games and driving kids places?

    Enjoy your books this week -


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