Thursday, April 11, 2013

Attention Teen Readers-Writers!

Students: take note.  Here is your chance to do what you like best and make a difference while doing it.

The website has announced that they are accepting applications from teens ages 13-18 to be on their Teen Board for 6 months (from July - December 2013). They are looking for teens who love to read and have the time and interest in contributing to their website. Teen Board members write book reviews, blog posts, and interact on the site. Read all the details here (the application is on this page, too, if you are interested).

Here is a little of what is says:
We value our readers’ opinions and read your emails faithfully to get your feedback on books and authors. We are looking for a select group of teens who will be asked to participate on a more formal basis. Opportunities will include contributing reviews, writing blog posts, sharing ideas for the site, giving feedback on features we have on the site and scouting trends in your own community. We want a group of diverse teens around the country to be able to weigh in on YA lit and share their opinions on it.

Sounds like a great opportunity for a book-loving teen...and it will look great on a college application, too!

 Thanks Sue at Great Books for Kids and Teens for this tip!

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