Saturday, April 20, 2013

2013 YA Audiobook Listening challenge

I just stumbled upon this reading/listening challenge and decided to join up even though we are already in the fourth month of the year. I will back fill with YA audiobooks I've already listened to this year and will follow the rules from this point forward. My Goal: Rock'n Out Level = 24.

Click on the links of YA Audiobooks I've listened to already and then go to my Challenges Page where I will  keep my list up to date.

The YA Audiobook Challenge Details:

Hello, and welcome to A Book and a Latte2013 Young Adult Audiobook Challenge! I hope you join us this year! I look forward to finding out what books you listen to in 2013 and discovering more great narrators and titles.

The Goal:

Choose a level below that will challenge you, and listen to and review the amount of audiobooks required for that level. To complete this challenge, you must listen and review a minimum of 12 audiobooks (released any year) of the YA (or MG) genre in 2012.
Easy Listening
Listen to and review 12 audiobooks.
Rock’n OutListen to and review 24 audiobooks.
Head Bang’n Listen to 36+ audiobooks, and review at least 24 of them.
Mosh PitListen to 48+ audiobooks, and review at least 36 of them.

Why should I join this challenge?

Because audiobooks rock! Listening to a book while doing chores or mundane tasks somehow makes them easier or at least not so bad, and they make hours in the car fly by… If you haven’t given audiobooks a try, use this challenge as motivation to do so!

What audiobooks count towards the YAAC?

Any young adult (or MG) audiobook! It doesn’t matter what year it was published.

What are the requirements?

  • Listen to and review at least 12 YA audiobooks (Easy Listening level) in between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013
  • Reviews should include the length of the audiobook, name of narrator(s), and include your opinion of the narrator(s)/production as well as the novel.
  • Review the audiobooks on either your blog, Goodreads, Amazon, or Audible, and then link them up here.
  • There will be a linky open here each month to link up your reviews.
  • Declare yourself a challenge participant (blog post/facebook/twitter) and sign up for the YA Audiobook Challenge at A Book and a Latte
  • HAVE FUN :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you joined us! You're welcome to back fill with 2013 YA/MG listens, that's totally within the rules :). Welcome!
    ~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte


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