Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday Salon....March 3

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss. Born March 2, 1904, died September 24, 1991. We love you just as much today as ever!

Weather: questionable, could go either way---sunny and clear, or cloudy and wet. Typical.

Today: I am going out to lunch with a friend for her birthday, then home for typical week-end stuff of laundry and light housekeeping.

Yesterday: I cleaned out the cupboard under my sink where I keep all my toiletries. You know those things we all buy because they promise to make us look younger and healthier? Well, I sorted through all of them, got rid of over two bags of garbage and then sorted the rest so that I can find what I want in the future. Now to remind not buy facial toner for the next three years, I have plenty!

Yesterday evening: we went to see The Life of Pi in 3-D. I read something after the Academy Awards that this movie is phenomenal in 3-D and shouldn't be missed. We went on a whim and I agree with the reviewer.  Go now while it is still in the theaters.  See it in 3-D.

Spring flowers: The bad photo above is of my pussy-willow tree which has a pathetically low number of pussy-willows this year, like ten.  I don't feel so bad, however, because I noticed another tree with a similar number of pussy-willows down the block. Bad year for them, I guess. The crocuses are in bloom and daffodils are thinking about it. The flowering plum has budded.

I'm reading:
  • Prodigy by Marie Lu. Actually I got stalled out but will get back to it today.
  • Emma by Jane Austen. I've been "reading" this for over a year. To keep the momentum going this time I will be giving a weekly update on my progress.  Here is my first progress report.

I'm listening to:
  • Dead to You by Lisa McCann. A blogging friend recommended it.  I am fairly sure that something sinister is around the corner but I haven't figured it out yet.
I completed this week:
  • Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor, #2 in the series. Yummy!
  • The Fairy Ring: or Elsie and Frances Fool the World by Mary Losure. Review to follow.
  • The First Test by Tamora Pierce. My first book by this award winning author. Review to follow.
Today's scripture: John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that anyone who believes in him might have eternal life."

This week's Lenten  prayer focus: Communities and individuals affected by natural disasters.

From the kitchen: leftover pizza from Trackside Pizza, downtown Puyallup. This is the first time we've been to this pizza restaurant, though it has been around for several years.  It is the best pizza I've ever had and the place is just a hop-skip-and-a-jump from our house. We tried the A-Train, which is pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, olives and we had fresh tomatoes added. Yum.

Quote of the day:  “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” -Dr. Seuss,  I Can Read With My Eyes Shut

Happy reading!


  1. I love the pizza there too and they have some phenomenal salads also.

  2. I'm drooling over the description of the pizza! Sounds like a great place to go.

    Organizing things can be a real project.

    Enjoy the day...and here's MY SUNDAY SALON POST

  3. Oh, I loved Tamora Pierce's First Test. I can't wait to see what you think of it! I haven't heard of The Fairy Ring, but the title is intriguing. And good for you for remembering Dr. Seuss's birthday; I totally forgot to mention it this year.

  4. Crocuses already? We just have snowdrops so far, but the daffodils aren't far behind - we had such a mild winter.

    I loved Dead To You! (am I the blogging friend you mentioned??) I read it in gulps - could hardly set it down.

    We hardly ever get to the theater but I would love to see Life of Pi on the big screen - maybe if my son finally perks up this week, my husband and I can get out for a rare night out.

    And I really need to clean out all the bathroom cabinets! Thanks for the inspiration -


    Great Books for Kids and Teens

    Book By Book

    1. Why yes you are the blogging friend who recommended Dead to You. I'm just getting back to it after a hiatus to listen to The Fault in Our Stars. Keep the good recommendations coming.

  5. Cleaning out a cupboard or two has got to be the best therapy. Whether it's clothes, kitchen stuff or toiletries, it seems freeing somehow :-)


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