Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Salon...Feb. 10

Weather: clear and cold, though it was a bit foggy this morning early.

This past week: was very stressful. I had a Library Club meeting after school, the first of the school year, and it felt flat and unexciting, especially considering that only seven students attended it. As the kids were coming in and getting settled a parent of another student came to the library to complain about a fine and after I excused the fine, she started yelling at me about what a bad attitude I had and how awful I was.  I was shocked by the ferocity with which she attacked me. (And didn't deserve.) Oh my. What a bad scene.

Friday: We went to the one-man play Ed Asner as FDR. It was very well-done and interesting. I needed some diversion after the hectic week.

Saturday: I went to a luncheon at church and got myself elected to the organizing board for this next year.  What was I thinking? Ha!

Today: I drove to a nearby town (Lakewood) to go to the Barnes and Noble store there.  We don't have a bookstore in my town anymore.  Sigh.  It has been a long time since I've been to a bookstore and I spent several hours perusing the shelves and picking up bargains.

Books I am reading:
  • In Darkness by Nick Lake. Set in Haiti after the recent earthquake and 100 years earlier when Toussaint l'Ouverture led the slave revolt to win independence. I am FINALLY getting some traction on this book and should finish it tonight or tomorrow.
  • Prodigy by Marie Lu. The second book in the Legend series. Should be a fast read.
  • Airborn by Kenneth Oppel. This book has been on my TBR pile for seven years.  I am finally getting to it.
Finished this week:
  • Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: a memoir of going home by Rhoda Janzen. Both humorous and thought-provoking, I enjoyed listening to this memoir a lot.
Today's Scripture: Colossians 1: 17--- "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

I'm praying for: my neighbor who is home from the hospital after open heart surgery.

Pre-Valentine's Day: I purchased a Valentine's Day book for my husband (I am trusting that he won't look at this blog without a prompting to do so) where I fill in the blanks about our love relationship. I hope to have it finished by Thursday. I started it and decided that I can't do it all in one sitting so I will have to work on it every afternoon for the next few days. Tonight I am making heart shaped sugar cookies to send to my girls.


  1. Very sweet Valentine's idea! I am reading Scarlet (the follow-up to Cinder) and am enjoying it. Definitely a quick read. Have a great week

  2. My son read Airborn a few years back and liked it.

    I have had Mennonite in a Little Black Dress on my TBR shelf for years - really must get to it!!

    Sorry you had a rough week - sounds like that person was having a bad day and took it out on you!

    Enjoy your books - and a better week -


    Book By Book

  3. My daughter really enjoyed Airborn, and has suggested several times that I read it. It's great when our children get old enough to start introducing us to books as well as the other way around! My daughter and I are listening to "The Wise Man's Fear," the second in Patrick Rothfuss's brilliant (and massive) Kingkiller Chronicles.


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