Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Review of Reading Challenges

I participated in nine reading challenges this year and the results were either hot or cold. Check out all my challenges here.

My 2012 reading challenge report card:

Audiobook Challenge: My goal was 25+ audiobooks. I quit counting at 29. I exceeded even my own expectations.

Goodreads challenge: My goal 120 books. I made it to 120 books but didn't do it until just yesterday. This was a lofty goal for me so I give myself an A for the effort, especially this busy year with a wedding which cut into my usual summer reading. If you look at my Goodreads page it looks as though I only read 117 books. I reread three books and they don't allow for rereads.

2012 ALA YA Award Books Challenge: I read 17 Award books this year which puts me near the top of the learner level. This is a challenge that I sponsor.  I didn't read any books by the winning author (Margaret Edwards Award), Susan Cooper, or I would have deserved an A.

Printz Award Book Challenge: I read all five of the 2012 Printz Award and Honor books, but I only read one previous year award book. My goal is to stay current and catch up, eventually reading all past and present Printz Award books. At this rate I will never make it.

Read all Chris Crutcher books challenge: I only completed one Crutcher book this year. Obviously I did not apply the effort required on this assignment.

Big Book Summer Challenge: I made my goal of reading at least one big book this past summer.

Austen in August Challenge: I read one Austen-related book in August, my goal.

Reading from My Shelf Project: I only read 2 out of my goal of 12 books from my own shelves here at home. 17%. Sigh.

Books I Should Have Read in School, but Didn't Challenge: None. 0%.

2013 Challenges I will participate in:

  • Read the ALA YA Award Books
  • Printz Award Books
  • Goodreads Challenge, 108 books
  • Read Chris Crutcher Books
  • Audiobooks Challenge (this is a give-me since I listen to audiobooks all the time)


  1. You are so funny with your grades (even on vacation we're in "school mode"). I would have given you higher grades; I think you did really well. I'm only doing the Middle East Challenge in 2013 and I am going to see how I do with reading whatever I am in the mood for at the time

    1. I have been thinking about the same thing...wishing I could just read what I want to read but with two books clubs and my own Mock Printz events my reading choices seem to be made for me. Sigh. But I have determined that February and March are MY months after Mock Printz is over.

  2. I don't think that reading one book in your Chris Crutcher challenge qualifies as a C+, more like a D. Sorry about that, better luck next year.

  3. Wow, you take on a lot of challenges! Again, very impressive. I also had a goal to read 12 books off my TBR shelf - I got to 10 and finished #11 the first week of January...but now more have piled up! How do you ever catch up??

    I still need to decide which challenges I am doing in 2013.


    Book By Book


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