Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Salon...September 16

This photo of Mt. Rainier was taken sometime during a winter since there is so much snow on it, but you get the idea of the view I see as I drive around the area around my home.

Sunny and warm.  Simply beautiful. Mt. Rainier is in full view.

This past week: My job consisted of checking out textbooks every period, all day long.  I only succeeded in filling out two small book orders and one supply order. This next week I will actually be a librarian again meeting with classes, giving an intro to the library.

Yesterday. I finally went grocery shopping. I think my family was beginning to wonder if I every would again. It is never my favorite thing to do, but after a day a textbooks I couldn't face the grocery stores after work. I had to wait for a week-end.

Today: We move my youngest daughter back to college. It is likely to be an all-day affair. I am going to miss her so much.

Book(s) I've finished this week:
  • The Elegance of the Hedghog by Muriel Barbery...I read this book several years ago, so I decided to listen to the audiobook version. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it in this format but eventually the exquisite story took hold and I loved it as I did the first time. 
Currently reading/listening to:  
  • Insurgent by Veronica Roth, the sequel to Divergent.  I am STILL reading this. The slow rate at which I am reading this book has kept me from fully enjoying it.
Scripture Lesson today: 

I'm praying for: Our church as we have to find a new music director and we know it won't be easy.

From the kitchen:  In addition to not wanting to grocery shop I haven't felt like cooking either.  But I did manage to make a dish with Israeli couscous and mangoes that everyone thought was pretty good.


  1. Luckily we give out all our textbooks on the first day of school with just left overs on the second day (kids who were absent, etc). So, while giving out books to over 1800 students in one day is exhausting, at least it's done

    The last two weeks we've done a ton of teaching (Google Docs, Library Orientations, SSR books, and introducing students to our new online learning community)

  2. First, I remember taking my only daugther to college as a freshman and later missing her very much, so I can sympathize. Also about not wanting to cook. But being a librarian is a great job so that should help when things return to (almost) normal this week.

    Mt Rainer must be a wonderful view to have.

  3. You've been so busy! I hope next week slows down for you. Have a good week.

  4. I do love Mt. Rainier. You are fortunate to have such a view. Enjoy your week.


  5. Ugh...isn't grocery shopping the worst?? Well, that as well as trying to plan meals and make a grocery list! I enjoy cooking when I am feeling well, but the planning is a pain.

    My son has been in college for 3 weeks now; we really enjoyed having him home all day Sunday.

    The Elegance of the Hedgehog and Insurgent are both high on my TBR list!

    Hope you have a good week and enjoy getting back to your librarian duties!


    Book By Book

  6. Beautiful photo. I did a fellowship year in Seattle many years ago. I miss the city. It was so pretty and had so much to offer.

  7. I love it when the mountains are out. It's also so beautiful.

  8. Great photo. I lived in Seattle once for three years many years ago. Liked the views. Enjoy your fall.


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