Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Salon, Sept.9, 2012

My daughter's 4th grade classroom, her first teaching position.

Weather:  Overcast.  Will it finally rain?

This past week: The 2012-13 school year has begun. Our school added the 9th grade class to our school, adding over 500 students. I've been busy checking out textbooks. It is tiring and tedious work.  I look forward to the end so that I can focus on library activities and books. In the good news department, my daughter got her first teaching contract the Friday before Labor Day. She is now a first year teacher in a 4th grade classroom. The whole family spent the day with her on Monday getting her classroom ready for students.  By the end of the day the room was ready for the school year.  See the photo above.

Yesterday. I did five loads of laundry.  It wasn't a very exciting day.

Today: I've been nibbling on anything I can find that has ginger in it as my tummy is upset.

Book challenge: I finished three 400+ for the Read a Long Book this Summer Challenge...Well, actually one of them was 399 pages, ha! (Sabriel and Lirael by Garth Nix; Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fford.)

Books I've finished since my last Sunday Salon:
  • Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game that Made a Nation by John husband and I listened to half of this book our a trip to Leavenworth, and the second half on our trip to Oregon last week-end.  Now I want to see the movie Invictus.
  • Lirael by Garth Nix...the middle book of The Old Kingdom trilogy this book ends on a very exciting note now I am eager to read the final book: Abhorsen.
  • Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fford...the second book in the Thursday Next series.  Anyone who considers themselves a bibliophile and enjoys satire would love this book.
  • After the Snow by S.D. Crockett---a YA dystopian novel.
Currently reading/listening to:  
  • Insurgent by Veronica Roth, the sequel to Divergent.
  • The Elegance of the Hedghog by Muriel Barbery...I read this book several years ago, now I'm listening to the audiobook. I think I actually like the written version of this book better.

Scripture Lesson today: Mark 2:9  Which is easier: to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up, take your mat and walk'?

I'm praying for: My daughter Rita as she embarks on her teaching career..

From the Kitchen: My youngest daughter made a batch of no-bake "miserable" cookies for my first day of school. We call them miserable cookies because they are the perfect remedy for a miserable day, or you eat so many you feel miserable.  Ha!


  1. 4th grade - congratulate your daughter. That's the grade I used to teach and loved it.

    I am a big fan of ginger for tummies as well. Sent my daughter to her 1st American teaching job with a big bag of it a few weeks ago (she taught in China for two years)

    Your books? They all sound great.

  2. Awesome news for Rita--so happy for her!! What's in the no-bake cookies? I need some of them. Do you have a print copy of Ready Player One? I was 70% finished with it on my tablet and then it was due and disappeared. I was to a very exciting part!! I put it back on my holds list but there are people ahead of me. :(

  3. I tried listening to Elegance of the Hedgehog and gave up. I'll probably try reading the book one day, but listening to it drove me insane because the superior tones of voices got on my nerves.

    1. I really, really liked The Elegance of the Hedgehog when I read it. Several of the gals in my book group didn't. The superir tone is appropriate for the story but I know what you mean about it being irritating. I may abandon it, too.

  4. I am so excited that your daughter got a teaching job, and 4th grade is a great year for students. I managed to avoid the textbook distribution this year as my Tech Coach job was full days on textbook days :-)

  5. Congratulations to your daughter on her first teaching job! How exciting...and her room looks great!

    I still need to read Insurgent - I requested it from the publisher when it was released but they never sent it, so I need to track down a copy. I also REALLY want to read The Elegance of the Hedgehog - have heard so many good things about it!

    Thanks for participating in the Big Book Summer Challenge! You did great, with 3 Big Books (yes, we can count the 399-pager ;) ).

    Also wanted to let you know that I included your blog on my list of favorites for BBAW this week. Check it out:

    Enjoy your books this week -


    1. Sue. You are so kind. Thanks for the shout-out on your blog!


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