Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Salon... August 26

Weather:  Sunny. Lovely.

Yesterday, We drove to Leavenworth, Washington to pick up a box of items from my in-laws for my daughter to use as she sets up her apartment. It was a long drive for a box of old pots and pans but it was a lovely day and I enjoyed the drive with my husband, plus we shared a piece of a yummy chocolate confusion cake.

Today: The day is wide open!.

Book challenge: I completed a book for the Jane Austen in August challenge: Dancing with Mr. Darcy, a collection of short stories.

  • Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game that Made a Nation by John husband and I listened to half of this book our a trip to Leavenworth, we'll listened to the other half on a trip to Eugene the end of the month.
  • Lirael by Garth Nix...this one is in the CD player at work.  I listen as I put covers on books and prepare the library for a new school year.
  • Lost in a Good Book by Jasper the CD player in the car. Half finished.
Currently reading:  
  • After the Snow by S.D. Crockett
Recently finished: 
  • Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone by Kat Rosenfield...a YA mystery, look for my review later today.
Scripture Lesson today: Romans 5:2b "And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God."

I'm praying for: My aunt and cousins after the death of my uncle.

Around the house: the geraniums are due for a bit of deadheading.


  1. Chocolate cake can make so many things worthwhile :-)

    Sorry to hear your family is going through a tough time. I hope they/you are all doing alright

  2. Wish I'd known about the Jane Austen in August challenge but perhaps it's better I didn't!

    Sorry to hear about your family's loss.


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