Thursday, July 19, 2012

My July challenge update and The Vow

At the beginning of July I set a rather lofty goal for myself to read 20 books in the month. So how am I doing? Not bad, though I am bit off target. So far I have read 10 books this month and starts on four others. I've read some good books and some not-so-good books.

The Vow by Kim and Krickett Carpenter falls in to the latter category. Don't get me wrong. I like the premise of the book---a young married couple, deeply in love stay committed to each other and their marriage after a head injury causes amnesia and a personality change. The book, written from a Christian point of view, is also very inspiring and refreshing. It just isn't very well written and it seems that it was written because of the movie, not the other way around. Though I understand that there is much more in the book about the couple's religious beliefs than the movie portrays. I am interested to see what Hollywood did with the Carpenter's love story. I recommend that you skip the book and head to theater instead.

20 books in July Reading Challenge

9 / 20 books. 45% done!


  1. It doesn't sound like a book that would interest me. I'm already living with personality changes from chemo! :( I finally remembered that I read an excellent review of that book we discussed on Goodreads. It was by a former RHS student named Bonnie (Rood) Brien. Did you have any of the Roods when you were at RHS?

    1. Are you referring to Ready Player One? I just went out and bought a copy of that book because I'm pretty sure I won't be able to finish the audiobook before we head to Italy and I AM LOVING IT!!! It is so funky. Can't remember if I had any Roods or not. (Names are not my forte, unless they are authors :)

  2. The Vow isn't going to go on my TBR list. But on a happier note, you are well on your way to finishing 20 books this month! I am a little behind you with 8 finished so far

    1. I just finished my 11th book on the challenge and I have one you will want to read and get for your library: Dying to Know You by Aidan Chambers. Wowie-Zowie! Watch for my review later today or tomorrow.

  3. That is quite the challenge. Best of luck!


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