Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday Salon...May 6th

Remodeling Update:  All the contractors have finished with us now we are left alone to finish up painting and reorganizing our "stuff" and furniture. Just a few touches of paint here and there and we will be done today and we can hang the curtains and pictures and make our home homey again.

Weather today... Sunny and warm. It is supposed to be a lovely day in the Pac NW.

I'm reading: The Obsidian Blade by Pete Hautman. Book One of the Klaatu Diskos trilogy. About his work Hautman says, "I've been thinking about this trilogy my whole life. when I was a teen, this is what I wanted to read---sci-fi, adventure, the past, the future, and a mind-bending mystery all in one." -from the book jacket

I'm listening to: Nothing, but I will start Shanghai Girls by Lisa See today on the return trip from Seattle after dropping off my daughter back at college. This is next month's book club selection.

Book finished this week:  
  • Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. A paranormal romance.  I usually try to avoid this genre of book but this book had me by the throat and I HAD to read it and read it fast!  I now know why it is so popular in my library right now.
  • Soldier Bear by Bib Tak. This won the Batchelor Award in 2012, an award given to books translated into English. This book was originally written in Dutch. I read this as part of my challenge to read all the ALA Award winners for 2012.
  • Love and Leftovers by Sarah Tregay. A coming-of-age story written in verse. A quick, yet surprisingly deep story.
Scripture lesson in church: John 13:12-14 12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash each other's feet.

I'm praying for: For loving patience.

Around the house: Painting.

From the kitchen: Parmesan Chicken that was divine.

Memorable event of the week: Doing wedding-related things with my daughters.

A favorite quote this week: "Reading that book was a little like eating an undercooked brownie. It was completely gooey." - my student, Melia W. answer when asked if she liked the book The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight.



  1. Good luck with the remodel. It never really least at my house :-)

  2. Your Sunday post is always lovely to read for both your book reviews and your spiritual thoughts. Thank you!

    Here's my Sunday Salon:
    Wish I Had Time to Chit-Chat, But I'm Off to the Center of the Earth.
    I'd love to have you join me!

  3. Oh, it's always great when the remodels are done! Fun to put everything back together again. Enjoy!


  4. Enjoy Shanghai Girls, it's one of my favorites


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