Saturday, April 28, 2012

Knife of Never Letting Go news!

Patrick Ness announced this week that his awesome book, The Knife of Never Letting Go will be made in to a movie. Charlie Kaufman, an Oscar award-winning writer will be writing the script.

As you know, if you are a reader of HeadFullofBooks, I am a huge fan of the Chaos Walking trilogy of which The Knife of Never Letting Go is the first book.  I hope that this announcement brings in readers who want to learn more about the book and the series.

Patrick Ness, who attended high school in my area, is a friend of Sarah M., a teacher in my building.  She keeps me posted on his doings so vicariously I feel like I know him. I'm delighted for his success.  Stay tuned.



  1. This will make a GREAT movie. I'm reading the third book--having a bit of a struggle with it. Loved the first two though.

  2. Oh, by the way, I'll finish Snow Child this weekend(very fast read) so you can borrow my copy, if you want. :)

  3. Every time I hear news about this movie (which would be... just this one time actually haha) I get so excited about how good is could (possibly) be. Because the books are pretty much perfect as is. Fingers still crossed!

    1. That is the way I feel, too. The book is so perfect they'd better work hard to get it just right.

  4. Oh my gosh--that made my week! I loved that series. Thanks for posting!


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