Thursday, February 16, 2012

Friday blogs...Feb. 17

Alison Can Read and Parajunkee's View
Feature and Follow Friday: Meet and follow new blogging friends. Featured blogger this week: Le' Grande Codex, nice blog.  I look forward to reading more.

Q: What's the most unique character name you've come across?

A: I usually think that character names in Sci-Fi or Fantasy books are the most unique and often unpronounceable. One of the reasons that I like about audiobooks is having someone else pronounce these names for me.  I am just starting Inheritance, the 4th book in the Eragon series, in the audiobook format for this very reason.  But thinking about unique and funny names, I like those in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy : Arthur Dent, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Slartibartfast.  They make me smile just to say them.


Q: Book Blogger Pride: What do you take pride in when it comes to blogging?

A: I am pleased when my friends, colleagues, or students tell me that they like something that I blogged about. First that let's me know that they are reading it and secondly I hope my blog encourages those folks to get out and read great books.


  1. Hi..I agree with you..It is funny. :) Here is my Feature & Follow. A new follower! I would love, if you could follow my blog.

    Vidya @ Books Are Magic

  2. Those are good choices. Very original.

    Here's my Friday Hop. Stop by if you get a chance.

  3. Those names are definitely unique! And love your answer on what you take pride in - when someone picks up a book based on oyur recommendation = awesomeness!

  4. Those are really original names! I think I'm going to read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with my book club, soon! Great answer!

    By the way, I've tagged you!

  5. I agree, love it when someone says that they picked up a book because of your review or recommendation.

  6. It's always encouraging to hear that someone has read your blog and appreciated your thoughts on something. I think it's great that people start paying attention to books or bookish things because of your blog!

  7. Oh yes... Hitchhiker's a great choice for unique names!! :-) Here's my FF:

  8. Hey, I'm a new follower! :)

    Those are some awesome names! And no, you're not alone at blanking when trying to think of names!
    I LOVE unique character names!

    Have a FABULOUS Friday!!!! :D


  9. It is encouraging when you have influenced somebody to read something!

    Here is my TGIF:

  10. I've never read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy but I like those names! Arthur Dent is great, but Slartibartfast? I have no idea how to pronouce that one! An audiobook sounds like a great idea :) Thanks for stopping by and for the follow! *New Follower*

  11. Slartibartfast, eh? New follower.


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