Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday Salon---Dec. 18

Miracle 20: Today my youngest daughter turns 20 years old.  We no longer have a teenager in the house. And  I stepped on the scales and have lost 20 pounds. Yay!

On the web: It Only Takes a Girl.  Please watch.
I'm thankful for: The holiday season.  I always feel so close to my family and we do spend more time together playing games, reading, watching Xmas movies, and laughing together.
I'm listening to: The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan.  Yes, it's a zombie story and, yes, I'm enjoying it.

I'm reading: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson.  A family tradition to read this aloud together.

Book finished this week: Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai. This was the National Book Award winner in the Children/Teen division this year.

Lists I am making: Food I need to buy for our Christmas dinner and for book club earlier in the week. I just added light whipped cream to the list.

Scripture lesson in church: The Prayer of Mary found in Luke 1:46 "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior, for he is mindful of the humble state of his servant."

I'm praying for: forgiveness for an unkindness on my part directed toward a coworker this past week and help to find a way to make retribution or make things right.

Around the house: We have decided to make a few batches of Christmas cookies even though we aren't eating these treats ourselves this year. I hope to have a few different selections for book club members who will be at my house Tuesday night. I think we will make Mint Meringues, Peanut Blossoms, and Angel Food Biscotti.

From the kitchen: My daughter made a Squash/Pasta casserole which had a lot of potential but it was a bust.  No one liked it and we tossed half of it.  Oh well, we can't always have perfect, delicious recipes without some trial and error.

A favorite quote this week: "If your dog is overweight, you don't get enough exercise."  (Ha-ha! Isn't that the truth.)


  1. Happy Birthday to Carly! My "baby" turns 22 in February. Ack. Also congrats on the 20 pounds--way to go!! I'm enjoying our BC book for January. Merry Christmas to a special friend and her lovely family.

  2. Wow, no teenagers in the house. That is quite a change. In a year or so I'll finally have a teenager in the house. And, I know it will be a long slog.... Have a great week!

  3. Sounds like lots of great holiday books and activities this week, Anne!

    Very busy times here, too, but we had a great weekend in PA with my family. I had a blast playing with my niece and nephew.

    Enjoy all the celebrations this week!



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