Saturday, November 12, 2011

Snapshot Saturday

Sunrise, the shadow of Mt. Rainier, in Washington State, as viewed from Graham-Kapowsin High School one day in October 2011. This is my seventh year teaching at this school and I have never seen this before. The mountain cast a huge shadow at sunrise. Lots of students and staff ran out of their classes to take a picture. It was such a rare phenomenon.  Very cool.

Snapshot Saturday is hosted by Alyce over at At Home with Books.


  1. What an amazing photo. I've never seen anything like that huge shadow in the sky. You did really well to take that photo!

  2. Oh, lovely! I've never seen such a sight either. Thanks for sharing.

  3. It's beautiful. I love seeing the snow on the top.

  4. That is really amazing - glad you caught this on the camera!

  5. Very gorgeous! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  6. That is so cool! As much as I hate mornings, I often find myself admiring sunrises...when I'm up early enough to see them. ;)

  7. That is so cool! I've never seen anything like it, and we have some tall mountains in this part of the valley (usually obscured by Oregon rain clouds).

  8. Great capture. Must have been just the right time and day to have that occur.

  9. That's amazing, it took me a moment to figure out what shadow you were talking about, but once I got!

  10. Very cool! How long did it last?

  11. The shadow of Mt. Rainier lasted a very short time, probably less than five minutes. I happened to look up and see it then ran to find my phone so I could snap a picture before the magic disappeared.

  12. How amazing. I'm sure we miss lots of things similar to this- although this is particularly beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  13. So many great photos this week (by everyone). Most are thinking about weather and nature (love this).

    Mt Rainier is on my to do list!

  14. That's pretty cool! It's great that got a shot of it. Nice.

  15. wow!!such a cool unique..Love Mt.Rainier.. the park is my favorite national park


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