Saturday, November 26, 2011

Snapshot Saturday... Nov. 26

My poor yard looks so desolate at this time of year. The weather is so grey and depressing. Among all the dead plants and dry leaves is a splash of color...our little apple tree. I think it is funny that the tree hangs on to the apples but drops its leaves.

My husband made a comment when I told him I was going to take a picture of the tree. "The tree we grow for the bugs." We really should spray the tree so we would actually want to eat the apples.  Oh well, they look festive.

Snapshot Saturday is hosted by At Home with Books.


  1. It's hard to decide whether to spray or not. The apples are pretty even if you can't eat them.

  2. Ha ha! I love it! They're awfully stubborn, aren't they?

  3. The tree looks kind of funny with the apples still on it. At least it has some color :-)

  4. Oh, I love the splash of color...and the birdbath is lovely, too.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  5. Those apples do look very decorative for the holidays! :)

  6. I would have never expected to see a leafless tree holding on to its fruit! Absolutely fascinating.

  7. I wonder if there's a more natural deterrent than spray? I use sweet basil in my tomatoes each year...I'm not sure what would work for apple bugs though...they are pretty though :)

  8. I think gardens are really interesting at this time of year. There is something skeletal about them, and a sense of waiting. But the faded and curled leaves, the bare branches -- there's a whole different feel to the place in the fall/winter.

    Here's my snapshot.

  9. What a prolific little tree! It's like The Little Engine That Could :)

  10. You have a lovely autumn yard with your darling, little tree. It makes me smile. The apples look like hearts hanging on the tree.


  11. You yard doesn't look nearly as bad as you think, and I love the apple tree.

  12. Those apples sure look pluckable!

    Here is my Saturday

  13. It looks like a pretty tree. Do the birds enjoy it?

  14. Everything looks like autumn! Looks great.

    Here's my Snapshot:

  15. That's a lot of apples for that little tree. It's not so bad they are still hanging on, they add nice color to the yard.

  16. The apples are a lovely burst of colour. Do you need to spray? We don't spray our apples, and they're fine to eat.

  17. The apples are fine to eat if one doesn't mind sharing them with the apple maggots. Ugh.

  18. Festive indeed! I like it. Nice splash of colour when a lot of the other beautiful colours are gone.

    By the way, I think your garden is still quite lovely. I love gardens in any season. Even after the "good" stuff is gone, there's always something neat to discover. For instance, in early spring, winter and late fall, branches structures can be seen and can be quite interesting.


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