Monday, November 21, 2011

Authors I Would Like to Host for Thanksgiving Dinner

Broke and Bookish
Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I'd like to host this Thanksgiving.  Since all live authors have families and friends where they'd rather be, I decided to focus my list on the dead ones.  :)
  1. Jane Austen---I love her books and I know she'd be a delightful guest, where I would no doubt  be able to talk her into finishing her novels, The Watsons and Sanditon. Every Janite in the world would be glad that she came to my house for dinner.
  2. Wallace Stegner---His book Crossing for Safety was one of my early favorites and I liked it even better when I learned what an environmentalist this guy was.
  3. Siobhan Dowd---It makes me sad to think of how Ms. Dowd died so young from cancer, yet she still inspires me.
  4. Robert Cormier---I'd love to have a long "chin-wag" with this author about what it is like to be such a commonly banned author.
  5. William Shakespeare---Hey, why not ask him to dinner and then grill him about all the controversy around his authorship?
  6. Dr. Seuss--- Do you love him? I sure do. I grew up on the Cat in the Hat and Sam-I-Am, too!
  7. Mark Twain--- I would just sit and listen as he spins a yarn.
  8. Madeline L'Engle---I'd finally have the chance to tell her how thankful I am for her books.


  1. Dr. Seuss made my list and Mark Twain is an excellent choice!
    Happy Tuesday!

  2. Dr. Seuss--great choice! Just hope that he doesn't speak in rhyme the entire time :D

  3. Dr. Seuss is a great choice. I didn't even think of him when I wrote my list, but I should have. I'd love to have a conversation with him.

  4. Oooo, good list. I was trying to decide if I should go for living authors only and decided yes. I could make a whole new list with deceased authors.

  5. Love this list! Your #8 would also be on my list. I also wanted to pass on the One Lovely Blog Award:


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