Thursday, September 22, 2011

Friday Hops...Follow Friday...TGIF!

Allison Can Read

Follow Friday is designed to introduce ourselves to new bloggers or new visitors. The featured blogger this week is Liz at The World of the Spork Master Congratulations and have a wonderful senior year!

The question of the week:  Do you have a favorite series that you read over and over again? Tell us a bit about it and why you keep on revisiting it?

Answer: The only series I have ever reread in entirety is The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis.  I have reread parts of the Harry Potter books but not the whole series.


Question Reading Challenges: How has your progression been?

Answer: I signed up for several challenges and even started two of my own.  Here's my progress:

1.  Read the 2011 ALA Award Winners Challenge 
I have one book to read: Five Flavors of Dumb by Anthony John which won  the Schneider Family Award for Characters with Disabilities. (8/9 complete)

2.  Chris Crutcher Challenge (No time limit)
Read all of Chris Crutcher's books. (5/13 read)

3. Audio Book Challenge: Working toward Obsessed Level= 20 books in 2011.  Completed (29/20)

4. Books I Should Have Read in School, but Didn't Challenge-working toward Graduate Level= 6 books. (5/6 read)

5. Reading from My Shelf Project Challenge- reading books that have been lying around the house. (10/12)

6. Goodreads Challenge- to read 101 books this year (91/101)

I think I'm doing pretty well and will finish all my challenges by the end of the year.


  1. YES!!! I totally forgot about the Chronicles of Narnia, but they SO should have been on my list :)

    New follower, hopping through.

    My Follow Friday

    The Romanceaholic.

  2. Hopping through. I'm embarrassed that I haven't read all of the Narnia books. I always mean to.
    My Hop

  3. Wow! Awesome numbers. So close to reaching all your goals.

  4. Good job- you are doing great on the challenges...;)

    I forgot about my Goodreads challenge...I think I might actually get that one done...;)

  5. The only challenge I participated in this year was my own Goodreads challenge. I got started late this year so I didn't even challenge myself to read as many books as I'm seeing everyone else read. I'll do better next year for sure.

    My Friday Post

  6. Your challenges sound interesting, I hope they happen again next year so I can participate - I think I've overloaded myself for this year :)

    Anja @

  7. I'm impressed with all the challenges you're doing. I read my first Chris Crutcher book this year (Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes) & it was interesting. I didn't realize he'd written so many. I'll have to look around your blog and see which of his you've read. :)
    Happy Friday.

  8. I haven't read The Chronicles of Narnia but I want too. Glad you enjoyed it so much to re-read it.

    New follower!


  9. Awesome job on all your challenges! I only signed up for two. I'm doing well with one and not so well with the other, lol.


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