Sunday, September 25, 2011

2011 Banned Books Week- Day 2- Sunday Salon

I'm reading on the web: Articles and blogs about banned/censored books. I stumbled upon the Christian Science Monitor's blog and there are several posts on this topic that I highly recommend.  Check them out.

I'm thinking about: Banned Books Week and the ramifications of censorship on all our freedoms.

I'm listening to: Athletic Shorts by Chris Crutcher. This collection of short stories has been challenged in several school districts over the years due to "issues related to homosexuality, language, disrespect for parents." -Chris Crutcher censorship page

I'm reading: Karma by Cathy Ostlere. This historical fiction novel deals with the freedom of religion not the freedom of speech, though they often are related.

Book reviewed this week: The Queen of Water by Laura Resau and A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.

Lists I am making: Activities and displays I want to do in my library this week, like the Lunch Banned Books Read-a-thon and what to put in the display case in the hall.

Scripture lesson in church: Luke 4:18-19...take care of the poor, the blind, prisoners, and the oppressed. 

I'm praying for:The family and friends of Clara, a young 16-year-old student at our school who died this week in a car accident en route to a school soccer game. And for her teammate, Maryssa, who was critically injured in the same accident. It has been very sad at our school this week.

Around the house: My eldest daughter got engaged this week.

From the kitchen: Killer turkey-meatball spaghetti. Tonight the famous family-favorite stew. 

A favorite quote about censorship: "If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."  ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859

Follow my blog all week as I will be posting diaries on topics to book banning, censorship, and 1st Amendment rights.  Sign up for the Banned Books Week Hop Giveaway here.


  1. Congrats to your daughter! I hope my turn comes soon...

  2. What a week of highs and lows - so sorry for the loss to your school and your community.

    Best wishes to your daughter - exciting times ahead!

    I'm not reading anything in particular to recognize Banned Books Week, but I'm always interested in those lists (they make my eyes roll, that people will protest literature!)

  3. Congrats on the engagement! That accident was very close to my area. Such a senseless tragedy. I'm assuming another young person was driving; they said speed and weaving around caused the accident--running late and in a hurry to get to the game,I'm sure. What a sad time for GK and the families.

  4. Congrats on your daughter's engagement.

  5. I love the readathon idea. I had idea of clearing out the popular shelves this week to show that if libraries agreed to every challenge/ban then there would be nothing. Too bad we didn't have enough space at the library! We resorted to covering the books and having a caution tape that says, "Books You Were Told Not to Read" or something along those lines.

    Congrats to your elder daughter and my heartfelt prayers for those involved in the car accident.

  6. Looking forward to seeing what you think of Athletic Shorts, it's a Crutcher I haven't read yet

  7. Most excellent blog entry!! Thanks for sharing!


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