Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2011 Banned Books Week- Day 4- Library Displays

Banned Books Week in the GKHS Library

Introduction display to Banned Books Week greets students who enter the library

One whole shelf is covered with banned/challenged books highlighted with orange bookmarks that each have a quotation about the dangers of censorship. Books are flying off the shelves!!!
Students stop and look at this display. The list on the clipboard is the top banned books for the past ten years. Students always want to know why a book was banned.
The week's daily announcements always start off with "What do Where's Waldo, The Bible, and Twilight all have in common?  You are right! They are all books that have been banned in past years."  This display case is right outside the library and I use it to attract attention to books that kids might want to read.

After six years, I finally got a bulletin board in my library.  I filled it with anti-censorship messages and information about Banned Books Week.


  1. That is AWESOME! I wish I had more space in my library to feature banned and challenged books and other info. This year I have been getting more questions about 'why' particular books were banned; your list on the clipboard is a fantastic idea.

  2. I love these displays, especially a quote explaining the ban/challenge. I had a created a book sign that stated "Books People Don't Want You to Read" and of course it draws people to the books like a moth to a flame. :)

  3. Great job! I have a pretty interesting Banned Books display as well and I am stealing an idea from another librarian/blogger: put the banned books in brown lunch bags with "Banned!" across them to get the students interested

  4. Wait, wait, wait! Where's Waldo was banned? What the heck for?!!!

  5. That is such a fantastic display! I seriously love it. I had to beg to put up a smallish banned books display in my library this week, but I felt triumphant after 1/3 of the books I put up on Sunday were checked out by Monday evening. :D

  6. Where's Waldo??? Really??? I used to have so many of those books when I was a kid, and my brother and I liked the show, too. Crazy!

    The main library at the university I go to has a bunch of whiteboards set up with butcher paper taped around them, and baskets of markers for people to write their fav banned titles and why. There are also display cases in front of the elevators and circulation desk in the lobby that have banned titles inside, and bright yellow chains around the cases. It's pretty eye-catching!

  7. Looks like a wonderful display, Anne - awesome! I bet you're a fabulous HS librarian! Have I ever told you that my college roomate (and friend since 1st grade) is also a HS librarian? Yup.

    Why on earth would anyone ban Where's Waldo??? That's long been a favorite at our house.


  8. Yes. Where's Waldo was a banned book. REad all about it here. It is a very funny explanation, too.

    Why Where's Waldo was banned

  9. Love the censorship messages on the bulletin boards. Looks like a great place. Thanks for sharing.


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