Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday. What am I reading?

Book Journey

It's Monday and here is what I'm reading and listening to this week.

Also visit my blogoversary giveaway here.  Lots of prizes will be awarded!

What I'm Reading:
Freak Observer by Blythe Woolston...a very small but powerful YA book about grief and loss. This book won the William C. Morris Debut Book Award for 2011.

What I'm listening to on audiobooks:
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray...Bray narrates the book herself and she does a great job.  Think of this book as beauty pageant girls meet Lord of the Flies.  Hilarious!

What I just finished reading:
Where She Went by Gayle Forman...this is the sequel to the popular YA book, If I Stay. The story is told from Adam's point-of-view.  My review for the book will be posted today or tomorrow.  Come back and take a look then.

What I hope to read next:
Heaven is For Real by Todd sister-in-law recommended this book.  It sounds excellent and sweet.

Please enter my blogoversary giveaway.  Take a look here and here.


  1. Oh, I can't wait for your review of Where She Went. I've read a bunch of reviews for If I Stay already. Thinking about giving the series a try. Thanks for stopping by my blog just now and commenting on my Looking for Lacey review. You are absolutely right. I'm a newbie blogger and decided that there won't be any giveaways for quite a while until I feel my followers show interest in my reviews (by interest I mean good and bad feedback). I'm from Germany and it often takes a bit of time before I feel a review (always in English) is good enough to be put up on the blog. _yay_ #BookthatThing

  2. I have Beauty Queens on my wishlist though I don't think it's on general release in the UK yet. Haven't had anyone put me off it yet!

  3. As usual, I am adding books to my "to get for the library" list from your blog. Have a great week and happy Blogoversary!

  4. I've heard good things about Heaven is for Real. I'm looking forward to hearing what you and others say about it. I'm also curious about Freak Observer.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
    I really liked Dash and Lily's Book of Dares as well.

    Where She Went is on my TBR list.

    Have a nice week.


  6. The cover for Freak Observer looks seriously creepy! I have Beauty Queens on my to-read list. I like your description of it as beauty queens meet lord of the flies. Interesting.

    Here is my post:

  7. I absolutely loved Where She Went - hope you did too! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  8. I've got the Forman books on my shelf, just need to uninterrupted days to read them! I'm intrigued by Beauty Queens despite myself.

  9. Freak Observer: Wow, that is one creepy cover - I couldn't go near it! (I'm pretty easily upset by gratuitous violence, and - whether true or no - that cover suggests the macabre at the very least, using gruesome details to titillate at the worst. On the other hand, if a student handed me a copy, of course I'd read it, as I do many texts that are challenging for me, if students find them compelling.) Looking forward to your verdict on it, Anne.
    And on the same train of thought, I must ask you what put Stolen on your "best of" list: I found it exploitive and perverse and thin, although I totally agree with your picks of The Sledding Hill and Shiver and The Hitchhiker's Guide... Let's talk!

  10. I keep hearing about Heaven is for Real - it sounds fascinating! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think.

    Enjoy your books this week and congratulations on your Blogoversary!


  11. Heaven is for Real is on my TBR too. A lady I work with highly recommended it. :)

  12. You have some great reads.
    I'm a new follower.

  13. Thank you so much for helping me to understand your reasoning re: Stolen, Anne. I guess that any book so gripping for teens is fodder for important conversations, and I do understand what you mean about how mesmerizing Chris's voice is meant to be too.

  14. Well, huh, I've seen a couple others say that Beauty Queens is like that. Now I really want to read it... LOL

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Nikki @ Books Most Wanted

  15. Thanks for stopping by! I actually enjoyed the Memory Keeper's Daughter. I was hesitant after reading so many negative reviews, but it wasn;t bad at all.

  16. The cover to Freak Observer is pretty creepy. Love it. :)


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